Thursday, January 29, 2004

It is nearly February, so I am slightly amused that I got my issue of American Legacy today(a magazine about black history and culture. This reminds me that there is a lot I don't know about magazines. I have never seen this magazine on a newsstand, not even of a smaller independent store(which are rare) nor had I heard of it until I was poking around for a black history magazine. But, the editors' letter for this month talked about how they had been ongoing for nine years, and the many spin offs. Also, this magazine wasn't in Writer's Market- I wonder how they decide what to put in, and what not to.

I'd also like to remind everyone to support intelligent magazines and books, or we won't have anything above the intellectual level of pond scum in our society. I'd also encourage everyone to try to find out about cultures not your own, and try to expand your sphere of knowledge. You may say, oh, it's so hard, but think about how much time you spend watching that badger badger badger animation or just sitting on the toilet, you know?

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