Thursday, January 29, 2004

I think the whole lobotomy approach to problem solving is crazy. The lobotomy approach calls for us to cut ourselves off from objective reality, and just pretend all the time. I think this freaks me out because that's an awful lot like being crazy. You reject reality and create a reality of your own making. It's like choosing to believe that TV's are talking to you, and that we're all being controlled by computers. Being crazy is a big fear, so choosing to be crazy seems like choosing to inject yourself with AIDs. I know that people like that don't actually think or anything, but even on a casual thinking level, it's pretty darn freaky. It's like that anti evolution story I linked earlier today. Instead of believing in science(i.e. reality) they try to impose this totally false idea on the world, and then get mad if others are in touch with reality.

Of course, I think that some may be able to maintain a little fakery, and still be ok, like the religious person who thinks that evolution is merely an explanation of the magnificent mind of god. That's still weird, but at least it doesn't harm people with sense who actually want to do something here, in this world, in this reality. But I'd greatly resist anyone who wants me to stop using my frontal lobes. I guess interning in the crazy house has had a big effect on me. Seeing actual crazy people makes me want to keep in touch with reality, and makes me wonder about anyone who'd like to cut the ties. While there are hard truths in reality, and problems we can't solve in thirty minutes- reality is the only plane on which we can solve problems. It's like my cross cultural mental health class- we can talk about the limitations of the biomedical system all day, but at the end of the day, polio vaccine keeps people from getting polio no matter whether they believe in microbes, in spirits or in a God. And that's what is great about reality.

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