Friday, January 30, 2004

Here's some authentic good news from the Christian Science monitor- she doesn't deny that the children are dying, but, even if that is so, they can still laugh at the spectacle of an American trying to speak their language. That's what I find so great about authentic good news- it doesn't deny reality, but it sees a spot of sunshine here and there. It's cheering, but not lulling.

Speaking of lulling, continues the fight to show their ad. I do agree with them, I mean, it's not like the superbowl ads haven't featured things that might offend before, and just saying that our children might have to pay for the deficit isn't really that shocking. I could see if it showed president Bush mowing down children with a bazooka or something, but just images of children working? Not that shocking. asks you to switch to CNN between 8:10 and 8:35 to view the commercial. I don't watch the superbowl, as I could care less about football, but I do understand that allowing dissent is cool.

Also, it seems that righties are shiftlessly living off the gov't, while lefties are working hard and giving the tax money for the programs that righties complain about. Yes, this is an oversimplification, read the article.

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