Saturday, June 24, 2006

Why I will never be a porn reviewer on a satirical website. I'm proud of my hangups, thank you! The problem with porn nowadays is that it's not like you get a hold of an old Playboy and then slowly work up to Hustler. You can start at foobies and end up downloading scenes from Uncle Al' s All Anal Gangbang the next day(it does take some time to get your porn from the filesharing server). Heck, in a few clicks from this website you can view pictures of a woman sticking a feather duster up her hoo ha. This wouldn't be such a big issue if there was a whole lot less porn like the porn reviewed, and it was a small minority compared to the porn that embraced a whole spectrum of bodies(not in this "anyone who doesn't want a white woman with fake tits who needs to eat has a fetish" sort of crap) and in fact was more positive towards women- but let's get real here.

When your first experience with sexuality is totally removed from any realistic sexuality, unlearning the misconceptions can be a hard row to hoe since it's not like teen boys are exactly consuming a lot of feminist viewpoints on sexuality. At best, they'll be fumbling with a girl who calls them on their shit, but teen girls are often figuring out their own shit, and a lot of the time, their friends, what their boyfriend/guy they are fucking says he likes, and maybe the words of a trusted adult are what most of them have to go by.

So it's like a perfect storm of fuckedupness. Guys see this totally off the wall portrayal of sexuality before good sense kicks in, they then put pressure on girls with their own fucked up sense of sexuality and shape their sexuality, and then it goes on from there. This post is hetronormative, because gay sexuality has its own culture, its own porno(lesbian porn for straight men does not count), and there's even separate sexual development in which one has to figure out one is gay before they go and search out the gay porno, which could delay this until folks have enough sense to be like "that has nothing to do with real sexuality".

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