This blog is for me to put up my PSAs to the world. This blog represents the views of no company, group, or whoever. If a post is more than a day old, it may not even represent MY views.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My sexual morality is totally middle class.
Mom: GOD doesn't want you to HAVE THE SEX but if you do[WHICH GOD DOESN'T LIKE] use a condom, because I'M NOT TAKING CARE OF ANY DAMN BABIES.
*ancedata or no, college degrees are better than a sharp stick in the eye.
Mom: GOD doesn't want you to HAVE THE SEX but if you do[WHICH GOD DOESN'T LIKE] use a condom, because I'M NOT TAKING CARE OF ANY DAMN BABIES.
*ancedata or no, college degrees are better than a sharp stick in the eye.
I wonder if I'm a core gamer or a casual gamer. I play some core games, such as Final Fantasy 12 or Age of Empires... But I have a soft spot for Lavender's Botanicals[don't laugh! it makes up for the Chocolitier withdrawal!] and buy core games only on a very delayed basis. *super slow gamer* I guess I'm in the middle.
I benefit because I don't have to be very masculine in gaming, so I can play FFX-2 without fear.
I benefit because I don't have to be very masculine in gaming, so I can play FFX-2 without fear.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Some jerk tries to say that talking about the women in children in Gaza has nothing to do with feminism.
I say vax your damn kids. and I agree about the crunchy mess. People can lose their jobs if their kid is in the hospital for a week fighting off a preventable disease. I wonder if someone will do an investigative report on how the culture of special snowflakeness began.
Immunosuppressed woman is pissed- she got the whooping cough.
I say vax your damn kids. and I agree about the crunchy mess. People can lose their jobs if their kid is in the hospital for a week fighting off a preventable disease. I wonder if someone will do an investigative report on how the culture of special snowflakeness began.
Immunosuppressed woman is pissed- she got the whooping cough.
Whiny racist dude complains that folks think that calling a black dude a magic negro is a bit racist. You want to sing Barack the Magic Negro? Fine, but you can't cry when people say you're a racist!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Note: BFP notes that the Palestinians are indigenous to the land, also, bombing them to bits is violent act of colonialism. *yes, I spend my time reading twitter*
Also, she blogged about it, showing the words of a woman who saw the carnage. Sadly, my first reaction was HOLY PTSD! THAT'S NOT VERY GOOD FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH RIGHT THERE! Yes, that's the first thing I thought.
Also, she blogged about it, showing the words of a woman who saw the carnage. Sadly, my first reaction was HOLY PTSD! THAT'S NOT VERY GOOD FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH RIGHT THERE! Yes, that's the first thing I thought.
Oddly, and I don't care if this makes me a classist oppressor or not, my first thought was joy that nobody is peeing in my bed. That I can pee alone. I am sadly unable to become a nonclassist oppressor type feminist, as I am not nonjudgmental. When I see my cousin not feeding her god damn baby*, my first thought is not of women's choices and the beauty thereof, but really, why you have a baby if you're just going to ignore it? When I see teenagers dropping out of school too soon, I don't think wow, they are making such beautiful informed choices! I'm worrying about their future. Sadly, the revolution hasn't come , and a lack of a GED is a real obstacle for people nowadays.
Never being able to say what someone ought to do is totally against my whole nature. Don't feed your kid chips as their only food if there is other food available! Don't smoke weed in front of the kids! Smoke is bad for the lungs!
And I have to admit that crunchy contests annoy me. Trying to outdo each other in who feeds their kids more organic crap and who cloth diapers and if you formula feed, you might as well just shoot your kid in the face...yeah...that's annoying as hell.
*Plenty of food is available. It's not like she's living on the streets and can't get any food. My other cousins' kids are eating good-- they live in the same damn house.
Never being able to say what someone ought to do is totally against my whole nature. Don't feed your kid chips as their only food if there is other food available! Don't smoke weed in front of the kids! Smoke is bad for the lungs!
And I have to admit that crunchy contests annoy me. Trying to outdo each other in who feeds their kids more organic crap and who cloth diapers and if you formula feed, you might as well just shoot your kid in the face...yeah...that's annoying as hell.
*Plenty of food is available. It's not like she's living on the streets and can't get any food. My other cousins' kids are eating good-- they live in the same damn house.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Using my new computer and the magic of negativity, I predict that the Memphis police will make up some stupid reason why this attack on a transwoman isn't important to them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Also, the problem of writing vs wanking comes up again. The OP thinks that tacked on abuse/rape sucks and she gets all mad about it. I don't think the person complaining could even wank to those stories, because the rape/abuse is THAT tacked on. The sue goes "wah, I was totally abused in my CHILDHOOD!!!!" and then the canon character feels oh so sorry for her. And then they have smex.
Also, the problem of writing vs wanking comes up again. The OP thinks that tacked on abuse/rape sucks and she gets all mad about it. I don't think the person complaining could even wank to those stories, because the rape/abuse is THAT tacked on. The sue goes "wah, I was totally abused in my CHILDHOOD!!!!" and then the canon character feels oh so sorry for her. And then they have smex.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Dang folks, for all you know, the lady with the three kids could have been planning to marry her boyfriend[or had some sort of political or moral objection to marriage]. Anyway, whether she should have three kids or not, we can not say as we are strangers on the internet. All we need to do is help the kids she's got now, who must be really hurting after losing their daddy in a fire. And think about how this woman must be suffering. Her lover died in a fire, for fuck's sake. The only solace there must be is that none of the children died.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A woman realizes that BDSM, fisting and deep throating might not work for her. Don't worry, lady, not enjoying pain during sex is OK! Heck, you slap me and call me a bitch during sex, and I'll tell you where to go! See? PERFECTLY NORMAL AND OK~!
Also, asshole assaults sex worker. I hope he gets the beat down eventually.
Annoying lady whines about black people some more.
Also, asshole assaults sex worker. I hope he gets the beat down eventually.
Annoying lady whines about black people some more.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I guess some sex workers are marching on Washington for rights? Or maybe they are eating yummy cookies?
In between the snark is a discussion on the limits of safe space. I think people should avoid having babies if all possible when addicted to smack, and also, if someone is turning blue, maybe they should go to the ER.
In between the snark is a discussion on the limits of safe space. I think people should avoid having babies if all possible when addicted to smack, and also, if someone is turning blue, maybe they should go to the ER.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I love how no nonsense the furries are about this guy. I mean really, everyone is not obligated to accept every fetish. Personally, I'd like you all to leave fido out of your sex life, and I'm sure all of you have some words about my propensity for man on top. It's the law of the internet. People will make fun of you. Yes, you.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Man, this post seems to reek of white privilege. I'm not comfortable with the idea of white folks just taking babies from 'unfit' brown parents. I mean, I understand that sometimes it happens that a baby needs to be fostered or adopted, but the discourse here really seems racist to me.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Best social policy ever.
The whitewashedness or non whitewashedness of NPR is discussed. We get Tell Me More on MS NPR. I'm 24, and have an old car, so I have a radio. But don't new cars have radios? I think radios are standard. And NPR is also available through podcasts. So don't ignore young people, you big meanies!
People are VERY CONCERNED about penises on etsy.
The whitewashedness or non whitewashedness of NPR is discussed. We get Tell Me More on MS NPR. I'm 24, and have an old car, so I have a radio. But don't new cars have radios? I think radios are standard. And NPR is also available through podcasts. So don't ignore young people, you big meanies!
People are VERY CONCERNED about penises on etsy.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I'm enjoying reading The Scripts People Live. I just love the energy of books written in the 70s. I especially love how Mother Hubbard joins a karate club, learns how to fix cars and then starts organizing for welfare rights. And of course, there is a homosexual who cured from terrible parental injunctions lives bisexually ever after living from his center and probably having a lot more sex than it now considered proper.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh HELL NO. Oh, and there's a good ol' porn ain't always exploitative person in the comments. And that good ol' 'what if people have a racial stereotype fetish' person? That's why I reserve the right to say your kink is not OK. You may jerk off to ghetto hoes and big black brute dicks, little white girly chicks all you want, and I can say hey, that's based on the most base form of racism. You don't get a pass because you like to beat off to something!
Now we got oh, japanese porn is different and worse! We're totally forgetting our barely legal girls gone wild body fluids everywhere porn to point the finger at japan's horribly disturbing and horrible porn... I'm not saying it isn't awful, but I think it's a porn problem, not a Japan problem.
I also think that the whole pass off your guilt by consumerism thing is also seen in western porn with the whole 'alt porn' thing. Let's pretend these lovely ladies can only get through art school by getting nekkid!
Now we got oh, japanese porn is different and worse! We're totally forgetting our barely legal girls gone wild body fluids everywhere porn to point the finger at japan's horribly disturbing and horrible porn... I'm not saying it isn't awful, but I think it's a porn problem, not a Japan problem.
I also think that the whole pass off your guilt by consumerism thing is also seen in western porn with the whole 'alt porn' thing. Let's pretend these lovely ladies can only get through art school by getting nekkid!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Men continue to be shocked that women won't just screw anything with a penis. Really folks, most women like sex, but most women also have self esteem and don't want to screw men who are horrible lays and whine a lot afterwards.
Monday, December 08, 2008
People try to show they are edgy by talking about how much they looove stripping. Seriously, I'd be worried if my daughter took up stripping as a career choice. Here in Memphis, our strip clubs do not consist of kindly gentlemen applauding young women for having the grace to expose their bodies. In fact, some of them can be full of drugs and danger. Not to mention, if she's like 16 or something, I'll be pissed TO YOUR ROOM, HYPOTHETICAL KID!!!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The first ten woman obligations.
1)Worry a lot about your appearance. You are obligated to go OMG, THEY SAW ME WITHOUT MAKEUP!! Yes, you, even if you don't wear makeup. Your face? it's not good enough on its own.
2)Don't have fun in bed. Either have sex just for procreation or for performance. Worry a lot if your stomach looks fat or about the horror that is having a gag reflex.
3)Do stupid household tasks. You're supposed to care about matching people's socks together. And if you don't fold your husband's underpants, he'll know you're really mad at him![the last sentence is from an actual conversation]
4)Be interested in gross baby stuff. From holding the drooly things to hearing all about how someone's water broke AND THE BABY NEARLY FELL ON THE FLOOR!!! Never puke when people are telling you the gritty gritty details about babies.
5)Don't have any hobbies that aren't beauty related. When you need time to yourself, don't watch a movie or play video games, go and remove some of your hair. Because that's the ultimate relaxation.
6)Don't have the awesome toys in your childhood.
Instead of that amazing robot with real gun sounds, get some boring old fake lip stick. That probably is toxic.
7)Be submissive. REAL women are submissive in bed. Fake women are focused on their own pleasure rather than someone else's.
8)Don't know anything about science. Instead of reading meaty books on psychology, try books about how to get a man. Don't read about biology, read about astrology! Learning sucks!
9)Feel guilty all the time. If something goes wrong, it's all your fault. Yours. You are the downfall of society. Single mom? You ruin the city! Married mom? You're probably a bad one. Not a mom? You're selfish.
10)Base your worth on how big you are. Don't look at your sense of humor, wit, or kindness when evaluating yourself, focus on how your thighs look. If you gain a little weight, let it ruin your day and be consumed with guilt.
1)Worry a lot about your appearance. You are obligated to go OMG, THEY SAW ME WITHOUT MAKEUP!! Yes, you, even if you don't wear makeup. Your face? it's not good enough on its own.
2)Don't have fun in bed. Either have sex just for procreation or for performance. Worry a lot if your stomach looks fat or about the horror that is having a gag reflex.
3)Do stupid household tasks. You're supposed to care about matching people's socks together. And if you don't fold your husband's underpants, he'll know you're really mad at him![the last sentence is from an actual conversation]
4)Be interested in gross baby stuff. From holding the drooly things to hearing all about how someone's water broke AND THE BABY NEARLY FELL ON THE FLOOR!!! Never puke when people are telling you the gritty gritty details about babies.
5)Don't have any hobbies that aren't beauty related. When you need time to yourself, don't watch a movie or play video games, go and remove some of your hair. Because that's the ultimate relaxation.
6)Don't have the awesome toys in your childhood.
Instead of that amazing robot with real gun sounds, get some boring old fake lip stick. That probably is toxic.
7)Be submissive. REAL women are submissive in bed. Fake women are focused on their own pleasure rather than someone else's.
8)Don't know anything about science. Instead of reading meaty books on psychology, try books about how to get a man. Don't read about biology, read about astrology! Learning sucks!
9)Feel guilty all the time. If something goes wrong, it's all your fault. Yours. You are the downfall of society. Single mom? You ruin the city! Married mom? You're probably a bad one. Not a mom? You're selfish.
10)Base your worth on how big you are. Don't look at your sense of humor, wit, or kindness when evaluating yourself, focus on how your thighs look. If you gain a little weight, let it ruin your day and be consumed with guilt.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Should us atheists steal Christians' baby Jesuses? PZ Meyers says no.
That reminds me that it is December 5th, yet we still lack the 20 nativity scenes we have since my dad's coworker gives us nativity scenes every year. [I think it's a cultural difference?]
That reminds me that it is December 5th, yet we still lack the 20 nativity scenes we have since my dad's coworker gives us nativity scenes every year. [I think it's a cultural difference?]
Thursday, December 04, 2008
On stupid free, there is some debate about the OP being a troll, which shocks my rad fem sensibilities.
But the linked thread bothers me. I don't think being able to say "you know, when you say all women should submit to men, that really comes off as antifeminist suck" means that we're going to outlaw beating people with salami during sex. Really folks, police yourselves and there's less mess in the world.
BTW: yesterday I decided to sacrifice amazingly! Due to the annoying crap in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show[I hate your unfunny skits!] I will not buy any $30 panties that uh...I don't buy or wear anyway. So take that!
But the linked thread bothers me. I don't think being able to say "you know, when you say all women should submit to men, that really comes off as antifeminist suck" means that we're going to outlaw beating people with salami during sex. Really folks, police yourselves and there's less mess in the world.
BTW: yesterday I decided to sacrifice amazingly! Due to the annoying crap in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show[I hate your unfunny skits!] I will not buy any $30 panties that uh...I don't buy or wear anyway. So take that!
Fear of child witches sweeps Nigeria. When societies are under stress, new and interesting theologies emerge. I find this very fascinating, which probably makes me a bad person.
Oh yeah, and look at this amazing post about racist folks and thanksgiving.
Oh yeah, and look at this amazing post about racist folks and thanksgiving.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tis the season to complain about how the PC gnomes are going to make you not say Merry Christmas. You know what? The PC Gnomes don't exist. They aren't hanging around with their gnome guns trying to force you to say Happy Holidays. The reason people say happy holidays is because we want a greeting that shoves the whole whack in. To me, the whole mess starting in October and running up to New Years has very little to do with Christmas, and more to do with a sort of festive season of consumerism and parties. People of other religions or no religion enjoy participating in that season, which is all good. But Christmas is really specific to me. My family members who don't celebrate Christmas[ they are Jehovah's Witnesses] may buy their holiday oreos or go to a black friday sale, but really, why say Merry Christmas to them? They don't celebrate it.
We live in a larger world than we used to, and since we don't know what every single random person celebrates, whether they are the sort who go to Christmas mass, but don't think that say, Nov 25th is Christmas or the sort that celebrate Cephalopodmas, it's easier to just say holiday and get it over with.
We live in a larger world than we used to, and since we don't know what every single random person celebrates, whether they are the sort who go to Christmas mass, but don't think that say, Nov 25th is Christmas or the sort that celebrate Cephalopodmas, it's easier to just say holiday and get it over with.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Spira wouldn't be such a bad place to live if it weren't for the invincible space whale indiscriminately killing the population. And if the souls of people killed by said invincible space whale didn't turn into murderous monsters.
I read this thing and I liked it. I think womanist musings showed it to me.
...woah...worst family ever.
Transgendered people in fanfiction.
...woah...worst family ever.
Transgendered people in fanfiction.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hey, it's the national transgender day of remembrance! Let's all remember those who died because of violence based on their gender presentation!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The reason why people are assuming the boyfriend is the hitter not the hittee is because that is a dangerous situation for this woman here.
If you find yourself in a situation like this woman's, you can call the domestic violence helpline. It's scary, but this behavior will escalate.
If you find yourself in a situation like this woman's, you can call the domestic violence helpline. It's scary, but this behavior will escalate.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You know, I'm a special special snowflake too. I learned to read at age 4, blah blah blah, I'm an armchair psychology expert, blah blah blah. But in a large society like this, I think we need some sort of school system, so at least most people can read and add and subtract. If we left it up to chance, things would be even more unequal than they are. Some kids would have amazing learning environments- for example, my dad always lectures me about science at random- and some kids would have terrible learning environments because their parents are probably so busy surviving they wouldn't have any time to teach their kids anything at all. At least in a classroom, they end up knowing that biology exists and that such a thing as calculus can happen to you.
Friday, November 14, 2008
TEENAGERS ARE HAVING SEX WITHOUT CONDOMS!!!! *dies of horror* Note: teach your boys some decency and sense so they don't go around sticking it in without wrapping that junk.
Kind hearted activists have donated to the Duanna Johnson's funeral fund. You can be one of them. from cripchick
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Athetists post ad about their beliefs. American Family Association guy is loltastic.
Dude, really, your kink is not OK. I mean seriously, we're all well within our rights to mock your love of series with pictures of 8 years olds in lingerie. I'd like to note that women drawing lolicon wank material doesn't make it feminist. This sort of thing is why I reserve the right to think your kink is not OK. Wank off to cartoon 8 year olds all you want, but I'll mock you and call you a pedo.
Previous wank Safe for work, but disturbing scan.
Dude, really, your kink is not OK. I mean seriously, we're all well within our rights to mock your love of series with pictures of 8 years olds in lingerie. I'd like to note that women drawing lolicon wank material doesn't make it feminist. This sort of thing is why I reserve the right to think your kink is not OK. Wank off to cartoon 8 year olds all you want, but I'll mock you and call you a pedo.
Previous wank Safe for work, but disturbing scan.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I don't get why my blog is linked on the daily PUMA. Did I ever say I don't like Obama? Huh? *confused*
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Thanks creepy guy. This is why I can't write a good fucked up relationship story without needing to put a warning on it saying if your relationship is like this, call this number.
Touch fuzzy, get dizzy. Burn cross, get mocked.
Touch fuzzy, get dizzy. Burn cross, get mocked.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
I am selfish. Instead of worrying about the massive human pain that is caused by our immigration policies, now I'm like what will this do to the election!?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Today's link blog is white supremacist themed.
What white supremacists and an ignorant black man think about Barack Obama.
A Mississippi conference of white supremacists have caused controversy. Some church services have had to be moved, and staff can take a day off. Previously, it had been reported that the manager quit because of threats because of the conference, but from today's article he appears to be a liar.
Excuses for shameful white supremacist in Obama plot.
I agree with commentators that say that walking around with a shotgun and making threats is something that a grown ass man should know not to do.
Also, a woman who blew the whistle on the plot
What white supremacists and an ignorant black man think about Barack Obama.
A Mississippi conference of white supremacists have caused controversy. Some church services have had to be moved, and staff can take a day off. Previously, it had been reported that the manager quit because of threats because of the conference, but from today's article he appears to be a liar.
Excuses for shameful white supremacist in Obama plot.
I agree with commentators that say that walking around with a shotgun and making threats is something that a grown ass man should know not to do.
Also, a woman who blew the whistle on the plot
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A listing of my talents:
1)I recognized that candy corn sucked as a small child.
2)I can discern low quality chocolate from high quality chocolate
3)I can manifest really weird symptoms- like underarm boils and aching tongue.
4)I can read really fast.
5)I get good grades on tests.
6) No one has ever been seriously injured by any jewelry I have made.
7)Complete and total strangers will tell me about their shameful secrets, ask me for directions, and tell me to tell small children about the importance of reading.
8)I can think of a dark side to every story.
9)My netflix queue is 500 movies long- because I can think of that many things I want to watch.
10)I can sing many dar williams and aimee mann songs.
11)I know how to use the internet.
12)I appreciate some poetry.
13)I can sometimes repeat things verbatim from books.
Ok, I can't think of anything else, but all of these are true.
1)I recognized that candy corn sucked as a small child.
2)I can discern low quality chocolate from high quality chocolate
3)I can manifest really weird symptoms- like underarm boils and aching tongue.
4)I can read really fast.
5)I get good grades on tests.
6) No one has ever been seriously injured by any jewelry I have made.
7)Complete and total strangers will tell me about their shameful secrets, ask me for directions, and tell me to tell small children about the importance of reading.
8)I can think of a dark side to every story.
9)My netflix queue is 500 movies long- because I can think of that many things I want to watch.
10)I can sing many dar williams and aimee mann songs.
11)I know how to use the internet.
12)I appreciate some poetry.
13)I can sometimes repeat things verbatim from books.
Ok, I can't think of anything else, but all of these are true.
I'm jealous of his former pointless bulk. I have tons of hobbies, but I lack time, money and energy for most of them! or maybe I just feel that way since I feel like I've been run over by a truck.
ah, vax wank. Look for the comment saying that vaccines are made of aborted babies and monkey guts!
ah, vax wank. Look for the comment saying that vaccines are made of aborted babies and monkey guts!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Signs are serious business.
I have to admit that the whole rape thing just annoys me about this pairing.[Nana spoilers]. Now, I'm only up to volume 13, and I do like the fact that their relationship is outrageously dysfunctional, but many men have bad childhoods- childhoods filled with every sort of horror- and don't go out and rape their girlfriends! *feminist SMASH!!!*
ETA: Nana may be trying to put a brave face on the fact that it was on fire when she lay down on it, but that doesn't excuse Takumi's behavior!
I have to admit that the whole rape thing just annoys me about this pairing.[Nana spoilers]. Now, I'm only up to volume 13, and I do like the fact that their relationship is outrageously dysfunctional, but many men have bad childhoods- childhoods filled with every sort of horror- and don't go out and rape their girlfriends! *feminist SMASH!!!*
ETA: Nana may be trying to put a brave face on the fact that it was on fire when she lay down on it, but that doesn't excuse Takumi's behavior!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I love the macro here. The election has been Godwinned.
White supremacist fail.
Idiot at Palin rally ruins Republicanism for everyone.
An etisian shares a sad story from his side of the Prop 8 debate.
Hey, on Rachael Maddow, there's a Sarah Palin impersonator behind McCain!
Also, I felt very effected by this post. BFP is so hard working and serious. The complete opposite of me.
White supremacist fail.
Idiot at Palin rally ruins Republicanism for everyone.
An etisian shares a sad story from his side of the Prop 8 debate.
Hey, on Rachael Maddow, there's a Sarah Palin impersonator behind McCain!
Also, I felt very effected by this post. BFP is so hard working and serious. The complete opposite of me.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Obama is going to win with the help of voodoo tribal Muslims who are also Christians... uh..yeah.... Anyway, go down to your local voting booth and vote Obama. Then we can have a good laugh at these weirdos.
Sex offenders not allowed to decorate on Halloween- protecting kids or an infringement of rights?
Hey, a Memphis person was linked on the sidebar of making light~!
Sex offenders not allowed to decorate on Halloween- protecting kids or an infringement of rights?
Hey, a Memphis person was linked on the sidebar of making light~!
Why the hate for smart shopping mama? If some chick goes to a thrift store and gets a $10 purse? yay. If some chick gets a nice gift from a friend, yay. Why don't we just be happy for people with their bags? Yea, she's got a kid, but some people LIKE babies. They want a house full of the noisy things! Maybe I don't really get it, but do many people get my strange love for FFX-2? I don't think many things are a matter of taste, but in this, yea, matter of taste. Some people have ten cats, some people have babies, some people play FFX-2, and viva la difference.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Disgusting racist murder in Texas. That why we need to have a little talk with folks. Now, Ashley Todd, Susan Smith and all y'all who blame whatever crimes you commit on random rampaging black men. I think this really contributes to racist violence- in which I include cops kicking the shit out of black men.
Randomly, I think those Yes on 8 people are real dicks. I hear they are fussing because some first graders threw rose petals at their teacher's wedding and some lady read a nice children's book about two princes getting married.
BTW: Countdown- thanks for explaining science- Palin and pals aren't exactly caring about actual science because they don't know about it, but it's good to see people explaining how basic research works.
Randomly, I think those Yes on 8 people are real dicks. I hear they are fussing because some first graders threw rose petals at their teacher's wedding and some lady read a nice children's book about two princes getting married.
BTW: Countdown- thanks for explaining science- Palin and pals aren't exactly caring about actual science because they don't know about it, but it's good to see people explaining how basic research works.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
There's wank about youtube closed captioning. Where there's wank, that's where I'll be.
Poor Icelandic people.
Slacktivist tells us about payroll tax and also about McCain and his protective cocoon
Don't live in a lighthouse folks. If you feel that if you leave the ships are going to wreck, you're in a bad way!
Poor Icelandic people.
Slacktivist tells us about payroll tax and also about McCain and his protective cocoon
Don't live in a lighthouse folks. If you feel that if you leave the ships are going to wreck, you're in a bad way!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Somebody puts up a no room for hate sign in a new england town, and omg, sharia law!
McCainiacs against hate.
I learn that I'm racist and ungrateful.
I also note that this sort of thing is why I don't go with 'be nice and they'll love ya' Powell was a hard working Republican, but he says one good thing about another black man, and all the sudden, he's Benedict Arnold in blackface!
McCainiacs against hate.
I learn that I'm racist and ungrateful.
I also note that this sort of thing is why I don't go with 'be nice and they'll love ya' Powell was a hard working Republican, but he says one good thing about another black man, and all the sudden, he's Benedict Arnold in blackface!
found in my email box:
October 6, 2008 – By a vote of 263 to 171, the U.S. House of Representatives, on October 3, 2008, gave final approval to the Paul Wellstone-Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, as part of the Emergency Stabilization Act (H.R. 1424). President Bush has signed the legislation into law.
Enactment of the bill ends nearly a decade long effort to require group health plans to cover treatment for mental illness on the same terms and conditions as for all other illnesses.
Sponsors of the parity legislation included Sens. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Reps. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Jim Ramstad (R-MN).
October 6, 2008 – By a vote of 263 to 171, the U.S. House of Representatives, on October 3, 2008, gave final approval to the Paul Wellstone-Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, as part of the Emergency Stabilization Act (H.R. 1424). President Bush has signed the legislation into law.
Enactment of the bill ends nearly a decade long effort to require group health plans to cover treatment for mental illness on the same terms and conditions as for all other illnesses.
Sponsors of the parity legislation included Sens. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Reps. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Jim Ramstad (R-MN).
Nezua teaches us an important lesson about history, but I'm too nervous too appreciate it. Also, I hate Nezua's guts as he wakes up at approximately 3 am every day and is super productive. Really! If you twitter stalked him, you would know, oh you would know! I think I have nightmares about this sometimes.
Apparently there is trouble in feminism on the internet. Or something. I think that some lady said that hairy feminists were an image problem, some others disagreed and then the first lady got butthurt. My head is killing me. My armpits are super hairy to avoid the pain when anything touches my underarm boils. Oh the pain. *suffers* I want to go back to bed!
BTW: I was reading this at the same time I was reading the above blog.
BTW: I was reading this at the same time I was reading the above blog.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Should I read about Adler or correlations or whatever, or should I make fun of facial wank? Yes, facial wank.
I agree with this comment.
Also, good 'in before someone says I'm uptight because I hate facials' Really, women who don't want their hair messed up by spunk are just as sexually liberated as those who want their hairdos messed up by semen.
Can the hotness of degradation be the point?
Stop being rational, lady!
If you get your sex pointers from porn, you're doomed. If you get your sex
pointers from fanfic, the home of the ass hymen, you're double doomed.
I agree with this comment.
Also, good 'in before someone says I'm uptight because I hate facials' Really, women who don't want their hair messed up by spunk are just as sexually liberated as those who want their hairdos messed up by semen.
Can the hotness of degradation be the point?
Stop being rational, lady!
If you get your sex pointers from porn, you're doomed. If you get your sex
pointers from fanfic, the home of the ass hymen, you're double doomed.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Commercial Appeal endorses Obama. I voted for Obama on Thursday after a 30 minute wait. I enjoyed the ritual of standing around talking to total strangers because we're all in the same really long line to vote. So folks, stand in the long lines. Vote!
MCCain's black relatives vote for Obama.
Dub Con vs Non Con. Rad fem squee for first post noting we don't get hot in a vacuum.
Dub Con vs Non Con. Rad fem squee for first post noting we don't get hot in a vacuum.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Mr Joe the Plumber has big eyes! I tend to plan from what I've got now and what will most likely happen in the future, not my wildest dreams, dude.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I learned today that apparently 'oopsing' is the cause of horrible child abuse. In times like these, I'm glad that I'm able to probe the mystery of where the rest of Yuna's skirt went. [really, in FFX-2, she has half a skirt and in FFX, she has a full skirt.]
*oopsing is the term for the belief that women want to tamper with their own birth control, go through nine months of weird stuff like hemorrhoids and throwing up and then shove a small human out of their vag and end up sleepless as it cries all night...for some reason I don't understand. WTF?
*oopsing is the term for the belief that women want to tamper with their own birth control, go through nine months of weird stuff like hemorrhoids and throwing up and then shove a small human out of their vag and end up sleepless as it cries all night...for some reason I don't understand. WTF?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Nora Roberts does not write enough incestuous anal sex in her romance novels. You know what, I don't support women's choices, but if Nora Roberts wants to make millions of dollars and be a best selling author and not write about brother brother incest, well, woopty doo!
Also, just because you annoy people doesn't mean you're an original thinker or right.
Also, just because you annoy people doesn't mean you're an original thinker or right.
Friday, October 10, 2008
You know you're procrastinating when the mystery of where Rikku's pants went and why Yuna is shooting guns, and where did her totally hot kimono go is more interesting than the id or whatever.
Yes, FFX2 may spit on the grave of the beauty of FFX, but at least I'm not reading about organ inferiority or whatever.
Yes, FFX2 may spit on the grave of the beauty of FFX, but at least I'm not reading about organ inferiority or whatever.
Their own private Oklahoma.
Sometimes, I feel sorry for racists, and Fred here captures part of why. It takes a lot of energy to avoid information that could be positive about people of color and to discount the evidence of your eyes. It takes a lot of energy to make up reasons why life is so hard for the white man and to think up ways to discount all missives from reality land. It takes a lot of energy that could be used to help others, to be creative, to have fun. So I feel sorry for them.
Sometimes, I feel sorry for racists, and Fred here captures part of why. It takes a lot of energy to avoid information that could be positive about people of color and to discount the evidence of your eyes. It takes a lot of energy to make up reasons why life is so hard for the white man and to think up ways to discount all missives from reality land. It takes a lot of energy that could be used to help others, to be creative, to have fun. So I feel sorry for them.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Stupid people are mocked at PZ's
Good comment here.
Note: I didn't understand the that one controversy until I saw McCain's body language and then I was outraged. You see, I heard part of the debate on the radio, and a very small part on TV.
Hey, it's the best post on people who forward shitty email forwards to you ever.
I was amused by the part about the dark cravings of ones' submissive soul. answer: nobody cares.
Did you know about the fierce letter writing campaign on behalf of one of the jersey four?
Good comment here.
Note: I didn't understand the that one controversy until I saw McCain's body language and then I was outraged. You see, I heard part of the debate on the radio, and a very small part on TV.
Hey, it's the best post on people who forward shitty email forwards to you ever.
I was amused by the part about the dark cravings of ones' submissive soul. answer: nobody cares.
Did you know about the fierce letter writing campaign on behalf of one of the jersey four?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
BDSM- it's different from rape! The fact that we gotta always talk about the difference between the two squicks me!
Dear Sarah Palin, lying is against the ten commandments, a part of Christianity that many regard as as or more important than OMG, HOMOS!!
I think the teacher should be fired because using the n word in classroom instruction shows poor judgment.
Here's a series of personal stories about motherhood and so called partial birth abortions, BTW.
A new internet term is born- I like the term trollbussing for this phenomenon.
Two sets of fake magic cards for the election.
Dear Sarah Palin, lying is against the ten commandments, a part of Christianity that many regard as as or more important than OMG, HOMOS!!
I think the teacher should be fired because using the n word in classroom instruction shows poor judgment.
Here's a series of personal stories about motherhood and so called partial birth abortions, BTW.
A new internet term is born- I like the term trollbussing for this phenomenon.
Two sets of fake magic cards for the election.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Shameful hate crime. More information on this. Ah, our good friend David Horowitz. Instead of just spending all his time whining about people with different views from him[i.e. those based on facts!] teaching in colleges, now he's inciting hate crimes. Shame on those who think this is acceptable.
More information on who funds this disgusting crap.
More information on who funds this disgusting crap.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
If your kid is a little chub cake, you're a child abuser!!! OH NOES!!!
Let's totally ignore real child abuse, and go after people whose kids probably trade their apples for twinkies at lunch time.
ETA: or they may eat the school lunch, which is basically obesity on a stick.
Oh, I love the trauma conga line.
Hhehe, anal. Oh yea....added to the list of feminine things that weird me out- ass sex.
Also, you know what? It's OK to like it gently in the missionary position.
Let's totally ignore real child abuse, and go after people whose kids probably trade their apples for twinkies at lunch time.
ETA: or they may eat the school lunch, which is basically obesity on a stick.
Oh, I love the trauma conga line.
Hhehe, anal. Oh yea....added to the list of feminine things that weird me out- ass sex.
Also, you know what? It's OK to like it gently in the missionary position.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sarah Palin has become Bible Spice. I think that captures the faux feminist flavor of Palin's candidacy. The Spice Girls were all about 'girl power' but not about any actual political power for women.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thanks for the blacksnob for pointing out Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert pointing out that the hunting fishing shooting church going 'true American' is not exactly the most common type of American.
Millions of us live in cities, enjoy a latte, would rather watch netflix than football, and would rather feed a goose than hunt it. We're real and valid Amerians too!
Millions of us live in cities, enjoy a latte, would rather watch netflix than football, and would rather feed a goose than hunt it. We're real and valid Amerians too!
Free speech my ass. Somebody is scared that people that look different from them will be successful because instead of wasting their time being mad that people of other races are going to school and learning skills that will put us in the forefront of the world if we let them they are actually studying. hat tip to bfp.
People plan to protest bailouts in the street.yes, I get all my information from twitter.
well, that's cheerful. from cripchick.
People plan to protest bailouts in the street.yes, I get all my information from twitter.
well, that's cheerful. from cripchick.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Yay for more on interesting new religious movements.
Apparently Obama is now the antichrist.
ah, good ol' soul bonders.
"I'm offended at most porn for being boring"- kate black. In my religion, turning quirky, fun, human sex into extruded sex product is a sin.
I now will be fascinated with this blog.
Let's make fun of idiots.
Apparently Obama is now the antichrist.
ah, good ol' soul bonders.
"I'm offended at most porn for being boring"- kate black. In my religion, turning quirky, fun, human sex into extruded sex product is a sin.
I now will be fascinated with this blog.
Let's make fun of idiots.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Talking about white privilege is 'racist'. *loses faith in humanity*
But hey, register to vote!
Color of Change wants you to stop disenfranchisement of Michigan voters.
But hey, register to vote!
Color of Change wants you to stop disenfranchisement of Michigan voters.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
People who say worldview a lot are sort of creepy.
Depressing news is depressing.
I'm a credit to my race- I punch idiots like you in the face. And then I judge all white people by the most loserific whites ever, just like you judge black people. So move over Albert Einstein, I'm judging all white people by the fact that once I saw some redneck beat his kids! Let's totally ignore all the law abiding and hard working whites, and focus on the worst of the bunch! That's totally fair!
"The Gizmo is not a giant iphone on its side"- a keith olbermann quote to help this next link go down.
Depressing news is depressing.
I'm a credit to my race- I punch idiots like you in the face. And then I judge all white people by the most loserific whites ever, just like you judge black people. So move over Albert Einstein, I'm judging all white people by the fact that once I saw some redneck beat his kids! Let's totally ignore all the law abiding and hard working whites, and focus on the worst of the bunch! That's totally fair!
"The Gizmo is not a giant iphone on its side"- a keith olbermann quote to help this next link go down.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The debate about chickification rages! Basically, I don't care if a chracter is girly, just don't randomly change my awesome asskicking Action Girl into a flower arranging chick who can't do anything without a man with no good reason.
The Junior Libertarian Squad strikes again! Because after you're raped, the fact that some guy will have to pay an extra 2 cents in taxes to pay for your rape kit should totally be your first concern.
Why is John McCain against teaching children about no touching in the swim suit area?
Hey, I made a new trope.
Why is John McCain against teaching children about no touching in the swim suit area?
Hey, I made a new trope.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
lacencurls:"She doesn't believe that any old irresponsible whore who opens her legs can should have the right to kill her baby."
Reverend ross: That's going to be her campaign slogan.
That's the funniest thing I've seen on etsy for a long long time.
Now, I'm judgmental. I think that if you like to have cattle prod sex, you need to have it in your bedroom[or another PRIVATE place], and not whine if other people think cattle prod sex is weird. I don't support women's choices. But come on, aren't we all irresponsible whores? Accidents can happen. I think that we should give people tools to deal with the accidents that happen in life.
ok ok, I hadn't seen this gem yet:
I am speaking of actual hookers and whores people. what else do you call them? I pass them on a daily basis. I know of 3 right now who work the corner just a few blocks from here. They cant bother with birthcontrol. They wait until they are several months along as it feeds the fetish business and they make good money from it. Then they get an abortion. One of these women have had 3!!!!
Good ol' dehumanizing sex workers. That's a great business strategy. You know, that post didn't have any of the cuss words people make such a fuss about people using on etsy, but it turned me off way more than someone saying 'fuck, yeah!' would have.
Reverend ross: That's going to be her campaign slogan.
That's the funniest thing I've seen on etsy for a long long time.
Now, I'm judgmental. I think that if you like to have cattle prod sex, you need to have it in your bedroom[or another PRIVATE place], and not whine if other people think cattle prod sex is weird. I don't support women's choices. But come on, aren't we all irresponsible whores? Accidents can happen. I think that we should give people tools to deal with the accidents that happen in life.
ok ok, I hadn't seen this gem yet:
I am speaking of actual hookers and whores people. what else do you call them? I pass them on a daily basis. I know of 3 right now who work the corner just a few blocks from here. They cant bother with birthcontrol. They wait until they are several months along as it feeds the fetish business and they make good money from it. Then they get an abortion. One of these women have had 3!!!!
Good ol' dehumanizing sex workers. That's a great business strategy. You know, that post didn't have any of the cuss words people make such a fuss about people using on etsy, but it turned me off way more than someone saying 'fuck, yeah!' would have.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Harvest Moon Island of Happiness- I like the control scheme. Sure, sometimes I wish I could use the directional buttons, but it's very smooth being able to run and walk using the touch screen. I also like that you can attach four different tools to different buttons.
For my first play through, I decided to be the girl.
For my first play through, I decided to be the girl.
ah, rape fic. Showing that we have a long way to go since 1990.
That's just stupid. Someone write a long essay about stigmatizing the poor, please! Because I'd be embarrassed to eat a crappy sandwich and have my lunch thrown away in front of everybody. *goes back to mailing plush chickens to France*
That's just stupid. Someone write a long essay about stigmatizing the poor, please! Because I'd be embarrassed to eat a crappy sandwich and have my lunch thrown away in front of everybody. *goes back to mailing plush chickens to France*
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
In fanficrants, this lady deconstructs deep throating. The problem with porn is that you end up with a bunch of fetishes being depicted as normal. I don't think human sexuality is just 'women/the bottom submit!', many women and gay men enjoy mutually pleasurable sex. Also, I think it's OK to be disgusted by some sexual practices. Not all of us have to go 'wow! I'm not grossed out by shit eating!'
I'm on team Olbermann. Maddow/Olbermann, I ship it! What, news shows aren't fandom? Is that true?
Best LJ icon ever by karnythia
Spore is out, but I can't buy it.
Slackitvist Fred learns an important lesson about people who are idiots.
Sarah Palin and her religion.
I'm on team Olbermann. Maddow/Olbermann, I ship it! What, news shows aren't fandom? Is that true?
Spore is out, but I can't buy it.
Slackitvist Fred learns an important lesson about people who are idiots.
Sarah Palin and her religion.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I wish I could be 5th from the bottom of my class and still become successful and famous like John McCain.
Rumors about Obama's family.
Rumors about Obama's family.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
I turned on my radio after class, and some asshole was all talking abut how he became a republican becaise he didn't want to be poor and depend on government. I'm like what do the two have to do with each other? If some rich guy gets a tax break, that's nice for him, but that's not going to get you health insurance.
Quotes from a BBC article:
Some are charging just £10 extra for unprotected intercourse
"However, for most women involved in prostitution, the reality is a cycle of violence and coercion, perpetuated by poverty and inequality."
So women are risking their lives so some dude can not use his hand tonight. That's so equal, not.
Quotes from a BBC article:
Some are charging just £10 extra for unprotected intercourse
"However, for most women involved in prostitution, the reality is a cycle of violence and coercion, perpetuated by poverty and inequality."
So women are risking their lives so some dude can not use his hand tonight. That's so equal, not.
PLEASE don't chickify female characters in your fanfiction! If in canon, she's off killing people, shoving folks out of windows, and exploding planets, don't randomly make her all weepy and shit,ok? And even reformed villianesses with babies will still maintain their personalities. Their personalities of being fucking awesome,ok? I don't want to read about some chick swooning over some guy. I want to read about some chick doing something, preferably, something fucking awesome.
Uh..hetrophobes?! Dude, all they did was write that some dude that is MADE UP kissed some other MADE UP dude. They aren't trying to not let hetros get married.
also, it's that guy again!
Uh..hetrophobes?! Dude, all they did was write that some dude that is MADE UP kissed some other MADE UP dude. They aren't trying to not let hetros get married.
also, it's that guy again!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Best twitter ever. Here's some MEMA numbers. If you live in MS, TN, or LA[possibly other places as well], call your local red cross, and ask if they need things like blankets, cots or personal items. They may need them!
Monday, September 01, 2008
I'm boiling with rage now.
Can there be hope for the future? maybe. awesome poem.
Hey, this onion article is funny! My unstoppable fist of rage has been stopped.
Can there be hope for the future? maybe. awesome poem.
Hey, this onion article is funny! My unstoppable fist of rage has been stopped.
Thanks whiny white women for ruining a perfectly charitable post. Really, if I set up a charity for people who have mental illnesses, it doesn't mean that I am against people with physical illnesses, it just means I see a gap and want to fill it.
I managed to donate $15 to them online, but that was yesterday.
I managed to donate $15 to them online, but that was yesterday.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I exploded in laughter, but it could be because of glue fumes.
Also, thickslab causes me also to die of laughter.
Become a christian- to avoid vampires. You also should become a Pastafarian to fight the goose menace.
First Gustav stupid!
Contiuation of epic stupid.
Also, thickslab causes me also to die of laughter.
Become a christian- to avoid vampires. You also should become a Pastafarian to fight the goose menace.
First Gustav stupid!
Contiuation of epic stupid.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Outrageous rumors about Sarah Palin are being spread over the internet. Will experts on babies and pregnancy confirm or deny whether this is weird or not?
Oh no you didn't, sadly no!
uh...what? I don't like that Palin at all! Hillary was actually pretty good. I would have voted for her, since she's for health care, pro choice, and could be talked into saying that we don't need to go to war every single place ever, but Palin? no. She's even for creationism!
Really, I'm only for women candidates because I think sometimes women have awesome ideas that need to be included more in the discourse of this country. If your ideas aren't awesome, and you're just like I have a vag, I'm like, so what? so does half the country.
I also learned today that you shouldn't let your kids hump other kids in public. Really, there's a time and a place for the bump and grind, and that time and place is not at a kid's birthday party.
also, the stupidfree thread.
uh...what? I don't like that Palin at all! Hillary was actually pretty good. I would have voted for her, since she's for health care, pro choice, and could be talked into saying that we don't need to go to war every single place ever, but Palin? no. She's even for creationism!
Really, I'm only for women candidates because I think sometimes women have awesome ideas that need to be included more in the discourse of this country. If your ideas aren't awesome, and you're just like I have a vag, I'm like, so what? so does half the country.
I also learned today that you shouldn't let your kids hump other kids in public. Really, there's a time and a place for the bump and grind, and that time and place is not at a kid's birthday party.
also, the stupidfree thread.
Friday, August 29, 2008
LOLZ too epic for add theater. I love the wank in this post, as if some chick writing that a cartoon character is gay when maybe they might not have been in the show is the end of the world. Dude, it's just as craaaazy as chicks writing about them eating food that they haven't been shown eating or shopping for their ten outfits that are all the same. No need to get into anti-gay bigotry about it.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Fanfic rants has an intelligent discussion of pain and sex. Note that no one goes OMG, WOMEN AND GAY MEN CAN ONLY EXPRESS THEIR SEXUALITY BY HAVING AWFUL PAINFUL SEX.
You know, I get the strange feeling that something strange and large is going on in Denver. Well, maybe I should go to sleep. I may be dreaming.
You know, I get the strange feeling that something strange and large is going on in Denver. Well, maybe I should go to sleep. I may be dreaming.
I was resting comfortably, thinking about manga, when I noticed that there were immigration raids in Mississippi.
My blog has become increasingly personal, in contrast to this guy. This is because today I managed to exhaust myself by photoediting and typing two sentences.
My blog has become increasingly personal, in contrast to this guy. This is because today I managed to exhaust myself by photoediting and typing two sentences.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What's up with the anti abortion crazies?
Also, people argue about the sexual experiences of fictional characters. And porn isn't a good sexual manual, at all, ever.
wtf? that's horrible.
Hey, creepy trope is creepy!
Also, people argue about the sexual experiences of fictional characters. And porn isn't a good sexual manual, at all, ever.
wtf? that's horrible.
Hey, creepy trope is creepy!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
On Verdict, they are talking about how you could fly to the moon twice and back with all the time women spend primping. They didn't add in the time spent complaining about one's thighs, moaning about the super mean feminists, and doing tons of other boring things in the time that could be spent playing video games or making cider using only apples stolen from the school cafeteria and bicycle parts.
Women learn that we're selfish for not wanting to go through 9 months of shitty pregnancy. Ugh, I think I'm becoming child free right now.
I'm happily reading email, and open an innocent seeming mailing list message. I learn that people 20 to 24 are 'spoiled' with this as evidence:
We were all pretty complacent, thinking we could handle the Millennials
when the time came, but we were wrong. Their elder statesmen are out of
college now and they are wreaking havoc in the workplace. Our phones
have been ringing off the hook the past few months as businesses of all
kinds call to book our Millennial-Think programs.
See, the Millennials believe that the rest of us should change to
accommodate them, not the other way around. And they are not budging.
You want them to work on a weekend when they have other plans? Good
luck. Friends and family come first. Think a training session,
classroom style, is a good idea? Not anymore. Video games and
interactive Web sites are a huge part of a Millennial's world; they
tend to learn better when things are interactive. Millennials prefer
instant messaging and text-messaging over e-mail. But don't get excited
about the prospect of advertising via text-messaging: texting is for
friends and family only. And forget about voice-mail. That's way too
old school for them.
The horror! Not wanting to work on weekends! Having a life outside of work! Not wanting some idiot spamming us by text!
Also, the idiots who wrote this shit are outrageously out of touch:
"We like to shop to music, but don't play boring music." We got into a
discussion about this comment - what did she mean? Well, they all
despise instrumental music; the direct quote was: "Play music with
words!" which made us all laugh. Then the panel called out names of
bands we might play in our stores; bands that most of the audience had
never heard of. If the Foo Fighters, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day ring a
bell, you're ahead of the game. Bottom line, pick uplifting music with
a good beat. Millennials like Disco too, and you know what we always
say: Disco is the sound of money.
If you haven't heard of Green Day, where have you been, the under a rock convention? I was happy that Spoon was playing in a movie theater, and I'm not exactly miss hip and up to date. Tip: get your heads out of your ass, stop insulting young people, and listen to some music made after 1969, for god's sake.
We were all pretty complacent, thinking we could handle the Millennials
when the time came, but we were wrong. Their elder statesmen are out of
college now and they are wreaking havoc in the workplace. Our phones
have been ringing off the hook the past few months as businesses of all
kinds call to book our Millennial-Think programs.
See, the Millennials believe that the rest of us should change to
accommodate them, not the other way around. And they are not budging.
You want them to work on a weekend when they have other plans? Good
luck. Friends and family come first. Think a training session,
classroom style, is a good idea? Not anymore. Video games and
interactive Web sites are a huge part of a Millennial's world; they
tend to learn better when things are interactive. Millennials prefer
instant messaging and text-messaging over e-mail. But don't get excited
about the prospect of advertising via text-messaging: texting is for
friends and family only. And forget about voice-mail. That's way too
old school for them.
The horror! Not wanting to work on weekends! Having a life outside of work! Not wanting some idiot spamming us by text!
Also, the idiots who wrote this shit are outrageously out of touch:
"We like to shop to music, but don't play boring music." We got into a
discussion about this comment - what did she mean? Well, they all
despise instrumental music; the direct quote was: "Play music with
words!" which made us all laugh. Then the panel called out names of
bands we might play in our stores; bands that most of the audience had
never heard of. If the Foo Fighters, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day ring a
bell, you're ahead of the game. Bottom line, pick uplifting music with
a good beat. Millennials like Disco too, and you know what we always
say: Disco is the sound of money.
If you haven't heard of Green Day, where have you been, the under a rock convention? I was happy that Spoon was playing in a movie theater, and I'm not exactly miss hip and up to date. Tip: get your heads out of your ass, stop insulting young people, and listen to some music made after 1969, for god's sake.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Horrible vampire fiction is serious business.
apparently you can survive without insurance.
school cutbacks hit parents on both sides. Less cash for school supplies, but growing lists.
hahahaa, this is hilarious! This is the funniest thing I've seen since I injured myself laughing at The Office yesterday!
*dies* Apparently these ladies have an interesting culture, that must be...KILLED WITH FIRE!!!...I mean...respected.
Ok, this is the most epic shit I have ever witnessed.
BTW: I saw 20 geese today.
Some lady realizes that not having cable will not buy her a comfortable retirement. Also, while part time jobs in college are all well and good, if you work an actual part time schedule, it may not go as far as people think. 15 hours a week at $8 an hour is about $480 a month gross[this is without taxes or anything] For this semester, I'm being charged $4000, at a state school[but I'm in grad school though] Let's assume that this person has netted 3840 for the summer[40 hours a week at $8 an hour, gross, not net]. This person is barely paying rent and probably needs a car[this is based on Memphis, a shitty place where they may be splitting a $500 apartment, but where the bus service sucks so hard that well,it sucks a lot] So they'll probably end up in a morass of loans, credit card debt, and probably taking a long ass time to get through school. So yea, they only get bragging rights. I think I'm going to continue being lazy.
apparently you can survive without insurance.
school cutbacks hit parents on both sides. Less cash for school supplies, but growing lists.
hahahaa, this is hilarious! This is the funniest thing I've seen since I injured myself laughing at The Office yesterday!
*dies* Apparently these ladies have an interesting culture, that must be...KILLED WITH FIRE!!!...I mean...respected.
Ok, this is the most epic shit I have ever witnessed.
BTW: I saw 20 geese today.
Some lady realizes that not having cable will not buy her a comfortable retirement. Also, while part time jobs in college are all well and good, if you work an actual part time schedule, it may not go as far as people think. 15 hours a week at $8 an hour is about $480 a month gross[this is without taxes or anything] For this semester, I'm being charged $4000, at a state school[but I'm in grad school though] Let's assume that this person has netted 3840 for the summer[40 hours a week at $8 an hour, gross, not net]. This person is barely paying rent and probably needs a car[this is based on Memphis, a shitty place where they may be splitting a $500 apartment, but where the bus service sucks so hard that well,it sucks a lot] So they'll probably end up in a morass of loans, credit card debt, and probably taking a long ass time to get through school. So yea, they only get bragging rights. I think I'm going to continue being lazy.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I read this story. I thought of this article I read a week ago. About how hard it is for the poor men who have to pay upkeep for their own kids. I don't think those poor men are eating at soup kitchens with their kids, somehow.
This is an amazing post. And I thought my mom was weird about lysol- once she sprayed my bed with it[I'm never letting her in my room again!], and she's all like spraying a little lysol on the children's hands never hurt[yes it does, mom. you're an idiot]. My only hang up about my vagina is that there's no cock going in there without a condom. That shit isn't called baby batter for nothing!
Also, joan kelly tells us all about vaginas.
a salon article about pole dancing.
High heels damage your feet.
Also, joan kelly tells us all about vaginas.
a salon article about pole dancing.
High heels damage your feet.
Saturday, August 16, 2008 which I learn that robots are prolife. I think I'm going to go into the kitchen and give a pepper an abortion now.
Hey, this one guy is blogging again, and he's translating stuff from radical Mexicans and stuff.
Hey, some native Hawaiians are all about the Hawaiian sovereignty.
I have no idea what this tweet is about. Why does CNN need to defend itself against people angry about Olympic spoilers?
Hey, this one guy is blogging again, and he's translating stuff from radical Mexicans and stuff.
Hey, some native Hawaiians are all about the Hawaiian sovereignty.
I have no idea what this tweet is about. Why does CNN need to defend itself against people angry about Olympic spoilers?
Friday, August 15, 2008
The amazing lessons teen girls are getting about life from Twilight.
We're not the police, we're feminists!
Apparently some people are fighting about something. It's not my fault. I was writing fanfiction and mapping out the attacks my characters will use. We already have a 'Every woman wants to be a mom,right?' and a slut shame, but what other attacks would be good? Maybe a 'you're a liar!' 'you go against tradition!' and maybe the good ol 'he may be sleeping with you, but he's thinking about me'. Oh yea, and how could you do that? you must be out of your mind.
We're not the police, we're feminists!
Apparently some people are fighting about something. It's not my fault. I was writing fanfiction and mapping out the attacks my characters will use. We already have a 'Every woman wants to be a mom,right?' and a slut shame, but what other attacks would be good? Maybe a 'you're a liar!' 'you go against tradition!' and maybe the good ol 'he may be sleeping with you, but he's thinking about me'. Oh yea, and how could you do that? you must be out of your mind.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Hey, it's the best livejournal comment ever!
Oh, LJ mamas!
Some people are having a fight for some reason. The author of the post should become a comic artist, because comics by women=awesome. Of course, I need to save money so I can buy more comics. Oh yeah, and about the fight? You can be a sparklepony if you don't wear makeup. Just believe that pretty pretty feminine women are oh so oppressed by those mean hairy legged feminists. Woe is them and shit.
Oh, LJ mamas!
Some people are having a fight for some reason. The author of the post should become a comic artist, because comics by women=awesome. Of course, I need to save money so I can buy more comics. Oh yeah, and about the fight? You can be a sparklepony if you don't wear makeup. Just believe that pretty pretty feminine women are oh so oppressed by those mean hairy legged feminists. Woe is them and shit.
Firefox 2 has eaten my bookmarks, despite me trying to import bookmarks from an earlier file and renaming an earlier file bookmarks html, so I am sad. A sad sad panda.
Also, you know what? Women writing smut=/ feminist. Especially not with the whole hey, let's stalk, abuse, and rape a girl but it totally leads to true love,right? crap running around. Urgh, at least label it a rape fantasy if you're going to write that gross crap. Yes, I said a woman can write something that sucks so much balls that it's like Gor on steroids. Cry in your pillows if you want. Just keep it away from me.
Also, you know what? Women writing smut=/ feminist. Especially not with the whole hey, let's stalk, abuse, and rape a girl but it totally leads to true love,right? crap running around. Urgh, at least label it a rape fantasy if you're going to write that gross crap. Yes, I said a woman can write something that sucks so much balls that it's like Gor on steroids. Cry in your pillows if you want. Just keep it away from me.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pawn shop business is up I hear from the Nightly Business Report.
Also, I'm enjoying this post about 'dear white feminists'
Also, I'm enjoying this post about 'dear white feminists'
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
a good notation about prostitution.
and I'm linking this post, so that I can remember it.
hey, it's the best Obama post ever~!
Hey, it's an autism fund raising drive!
How come this weird Russian guy is calling the Russian soldiers 'peacekeepers' on PBS?
Hey, best column on race in a national magazine ever!
and I'm linking this post, so that I can remember it.
hey, it's the best Obama post ever~!
Hey, it's an autism fund raising drive!
How come this weird Russian guy is calling the Russian soldiers 'peacekeepers' on PBS?
Hey, best column on race in a national magazine ever!
Woah, the right wing is crazy. Apparently just having 6 kids is a reason to be shot by the cops. And it doesn't matter if your baby's fingers get amputated either! Really, stupid white people, cops are supposed to be part of the rule of law,ok? And saying 'hey, you, stop having so many children!' while a popular subject, doesn't quite make people stop having so many children, and at a certain point, we have to accept that some people like having large numbers of children. All we can do is educate, and the rest is up to the person.
BTW: transgendered people shouldn't be associated with that weird lady.
BTW: transgendered people shouldn't be associated with that weird lady.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Is etsy sending the message that murder is cool?
also, I still think some of China's gymnasts are too young.
also, I still think some of China's gymnasts are too young.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
There's a fun argument about coming off as an idiot as an author on fanficrants. Context: The whole falling in love with your rapist thing. Kosher?*
*I hate that plot! Who falls in true love with the first person whose penis they see, let alone someone who has totally disrespected them and their rights?
*I hate that plot! Who falls in true love with the first person whose penis they see, let alone someone who has totally disrespected them and their rights?
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Old rant is old, but so word. It's taken me at least 4 days to write 2500 words. It can take me a month to write a 20 page paper. This problem is why all my blog posts are one sentence. , but I write a lot of them per day.
God,do I hate these dumb ads. OMG!!!SINGLEMOTHERS! YOUR KIDS WILL GO TO JAIL! AND NOT GRADUATE!~!! For some reason, I'm suspicious that slapping a wedding ring on will magically cause graduation rates to increase. Also, I hate the idea that these social issues are all about single momhood.
What a huge race wank.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
eh, I feel a bit odd about the whole omg, a 12 year old is showing cleavage thing. Personally, I think most 'slutty' public behavior of young girls is just like 13 year olds swearing all the time. It's shiny and new. It's up to adults to be like 'hey, she's 12.' And if you don't want the girls dancing to sexy songs, don't play them. If you don't want your own daughter dressing skanky, don't buy her clothes you don't like.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Oh, the whiteness! Seriously, that's got to be the most racist bag of chips ever. I'm sad that someone who has an icon of half of my fruits basket one true pairing is being a dick. Half my face hurts. Is it because of the stupid?
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
"It represents shouting "UNION!" and joining together; kicking reason to the curb and doing the impossible; fighting the power, and piercing the heavens," he said
And what impact does he think the new flag would have on foreigners like himself?
"That the UK is awesome. I just hope they don't think it's a pirate flag.
"Actually, if this design is rejected as a common flag perhaps the Crown might file it for future use as a privateer ensign on the high seas or in outer space."
Oh 4chan!
an explanation.
And what impact does he think the new flag would have on foreigners like himself?
"That the UK is awesome. I just hope they don't think it's a pirate flag.
"Actually, if this design is rejected as a common flag perhaps the Crown might file it for future use as a privateer ensign on the high seas or in outer space."
Oh 4chan!
an explanation.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Dude, the pill is not a fucking abortion. You know what? Nobody fucking cares that you're too much of a special snowflake to give out the pill. Deal with it on your own time. Really, I wish all this crap about how special a snowflake everyone is would stop. If you're so concerned about the baaaaaybies, don't work in the medical field.
also, here's a random link about the economy.
also, here's a random link about the economy.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Apparently being a dick is unconstitutional? I hate being obligated to be all hearts and flowers to everyone no matter how stupid they are. I'm not a Catholic, but I'll randomly say that most Catholics are against death threats.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Please don't make the Joker into a Woobie. You're breaking everyone's brains.
PSA from the Department of What, are you an idiot? STFU!
PSA from the Department of What, are you an idiot? STFU!
No one likes hipster racists. I remembered something from my childhood. When I was young, I remember a time where everyone was freaking out. Vaccination records needed to be produced, and some were vaccinated at school. I didn't get a shot since my vaccination records merely had transposed dates, and were considered valid. This article is here so I don't forget it,
I also remember there being a huge push about washing your hands and the danger of Hepatitis A. Here's a journal article about that outbreak.
I also remember there being a huge push about washing your hands and the danger of Hepatitis A. Here's a journal article about that outbreak.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Remember men, even if she's liberating herself by running down the streets in nothing but transgressive leather underpants yelling fuck me!, there's no excuse for fucking her without her consent.
And no, not every thing a woman does is feminist. *reads a dozen 'and so she totally fell in love with her rapist' fanfics before the fun feminists start whining again*
Male feminist J.Goff takes issue with ginmar bringing up Ren's injuries.
And no, not every thing a woman does is feminist. *reads a dozen 'and so she totally fell in love with her rapist' fanfics before the fun feminists start whining again*
Male feminist J.Goff takes issue with ginmar bringing up Ren's injuries.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
This story makes me feel kind of weird. Why all the focus on how a 14 year old is OMGFLAUNTINGHISSEXUALITY with his OMGMAKEUP! and OMGHIGHEELs!? Doing stuff like that is the sort of thing that 14 year olds will do. I wore a halter top to school once, for heaven's sake! But murder? Now, that's a heinous crime even if some guy was OMG!COMINGONTOYOU!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Stop being a weeaboo and learn some japanese! or not, really, you don't need to learn Japanese to be a Squenix, an anime fan or any other type of fan. Just don't pop random words in your conversation, and noone gets hurt.
Lolz, fanboys.
Lolz, fanboys.
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