Wednesday, September 22, 2004

So today I lost the war of attrition with my statistics test, which had less math than anticipated on it. Also, I am selling some jewelry and buttons on ebay, yet again.

Here is a Christian perspective on televangalist asshats. And here's an article on South African rock art. In one of his rare moments of editoralizing, Chris Ehret talks about how we hear all about the rock art in Europe, but little about the rock art in Africa.

So now I'm studying for my abnormal psychology test, and so I flip the book open and on the page that I have flipped to it says (paraphrase)"Minority neighborhoods have a disproportionate amount of alcohol advertising, although alcohol use is lower in those ethnic groups" This is page 590 in Abnormal Psychology 4th Edition (Seligman, Walker, Rosenhan). That was pretty random, although it's important to know stuff like this I guess.

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