Tuesday, March 11, 2008

oooh, now folks are arguing about BDSM in comments I'll repeat my opinion- now it's nice that all your men are on their fours barking like dogs or whatever, but there's a part about BDSM that can go snugly antifeminist if you don't pay attention[the part that is really look at me, I have a dick! submit!! Yes, those people are idiots, but they still are the public face of BDSM] - especially to the sort of people who say that kink is above scrutiny. I mean that gives the sort of people you don't want hitting any one inside the bedroom or not an opening where they can inflict being assholes on everybody. But if you're able to be like NO, I DON'T CARE IF [INSERT CRAZY ASS SHIT] GETS YOU OFF, THAT'S JUST DUMB can scare off some of the less hardcore asshats. I consider BDSMers who are doing it wrong and asshats also a part of the community as well. If you have a good reason why idiots should not be counted, I guess you can tell me.

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