Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm going to hope that I can pay attention long enough to write a post. TV shows are influencing the way that people who are in the military think about torture. Now, this wasn't just the never ending drumbeat of imagery that you see with regards to sexism- the change in how torture was depicted changed in less than five years.

Note that people nowadays were raised by people who grew up in eras where crap like this was super acceptable. Ok, ok, people nowadays live in a time where there's crap like this. Woman's feet as high heels?! WTF?

Ok, my point was going to be that yes, you are affected by the media! Not to mention, I think the way to push feminism forward isn't to water it down. but to be feminist with your ovaries out! People shouldn't just call themselves feminists, because they believe in egg cozies, weasels and umbrellas in bed, but because they really care about equality for women!

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