Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A real wtf opinion on breastfeeding via stupidfree. Now I don't support women's choices(why would they be any smarter or better than men's choices?) but really, I agree with most folks that it's too much to say either breastfeed or get an abortion. Not to mention, while I'm talking, let's be more sensitive to the needs of the mentally ill! Many of the drugs that control mental illnesses you can't breastfeed with, but I don't think it's really OK ethics wise to say you can't have a kid because of that. Also, we need to take people's mental health into account when we talk about the health of the mother. People may think mental health is a frill, but it's really important in quality of life and parenting. I'd rather have a woman with her mental illnesses treated, even if she couldn't or wouldn't breastfeed, than have a woman suffering. Not to mention, if you feel too ill(mentally) to breastfeed, it's your own decision. People need to take mental health into account, ok!!

Really, let's not have women suffer to breastfeed. Breast is best, but let's not sacrifice a woman's wellbeing.

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