Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Kactus is thinking about giving Ashanti the talk. But let's talk about porn! Quote below:

A couple of years ago, when she was 7 or 8, she was on the internet and got porn-bombed. I don't know if she went looking for something out of curiosity, or just typed in the wrong word or went in the wrong direction. At any rate, she found herself on a porn site, and then that site opened up a zillion windows of hardcore porn and here is my little daughter suddenly confronted with ugly, ugly, ugly.

I've seen enough porn to be bored by it. It does nothing for me. But if I step back from it I think it's mostly just ugly and unrealistic (the male-identified stuff at least) and I especially don't want my young daughter suddenly looking at a bunch of dicks and fucking.

Well, it happened, I can't make it unhappen. I explained to her at the time that those sites make sex look ugly and violent (I can't imagine what was going through her head when she saw it) and that real sex, between real adults, isn't like that.

That's why I don't like porn(ok, 99.9999% of porn. The first rule of rad fem is that the exception makes the rule) It takes a nice fun afternoon and makes it into womanhating shite! The truth of the matter is that folks are getting exposed to this crap as their first or sometimes only exposure to sexuality. American culture is so fucked up that you get this weird bipolar divide. You got the Jesus wants you for a sunbeam folks who are all obsessed with Jebus and no gays and stuff, and then you've got this shitty pornified Maxim, Steak and BJ day, rape macros
shit! I'm totally not for the latter, because I don't like that sort of girl who tries to get in good with the guys by being all like "I love BJs! Men deserve them for being alive! and ha ha! women who think rape macros aren't funny are too sensitive!"

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