Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm going to point out stupid and postpone my mortgage!post to cheer myself up. Apparently, some random lady got engaged, giving this guy major 'PTSD' Man, dude, I don't even get PTSD from reading in my career book about how 90% of young adults are expected to get married(I'm also postponing my divvying up the housework post) and reading in National Geographic that women east of the Mississppi are more likely to be in huge cities with tons of single women and like two single men. Let me tell you internet, that gave me slight psychological damage, but not an actual intense mental disorder.

Also, rape wank.(don't read this, spotted elephant!!!) Inside the wank is the fact that your kink is not OK. Also, LOL, non sexual fetish(top picture not safe for work or life or anything, scroll past so that your retinas don't fall out) Because tattooing yourself with a picture of a baby animal peeing itself is totally a good idea. Yea really.

Also, there's a long thread on femininity at Twisty's.
I'm not a fan of femininity as I tend to be the sort of person who wants to get the best of everything. I want the best life role,the most fun, the tastiest food.

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