Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm glad that Amanda is able to be honest and admit that doing beauty rituals is work.

Yet we don’t go there enough. One aspect that tends to go missing in these nefarious internet housework debates is the blatant admission that what women expect to gain by having their husbands share in the housework and childcare is not just fairness, but leisure time. It’s implied, but rarely outright stated that women’s lack of leisure time is troubling in a country where the “pursuit of happiness” is posited as a national value. I know working women who never see a movie, watch a TV show, or read anything because they go to work and then come home and do housework, all while their husbands have the leisure time to learn reams of information about various popular sports. To say that women deserve leisure time is taboo, though. Naomi Wolf’s argument in The Beauty Myth, if I recall correctly, was not that the endless beauty rituals cut into women’s sitting around time, but that they cripple us to Save The World. Otherwise, it was an interesting book, even if the rest of her career caused me to strain myself rolling my eyes. But I know that the reason I blow off doing my hair and make-up is often because I’m sitting around enjoying my leisure time.

I've had to drop down to being a casual gamer since I've been in grad school, but I really have a hard time justifying sitting for hours at the beauty shop.

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