Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I feel really guilty for missing tutoring today. So I was thinking about that when I ran across this post on why kids can't read. I don't remember any of this whole word stuff. I remember being really bored that they were teaching phonics because my mom had already used phonics to teach me to read before kindergarten. Anyway, the kids I tutor both have sight word problems, as I call them, not reading the whole word before concluding what word it is. However, they are both smart kids, just need a bit of a push along.

I'd like to put a disclaimer up to say that I do not agree with all contents of the above link. Like I think it's important to try to understand other cultures, and no, I don't think the fact that the kid I was tutoring read a book about a Puerto Rican kid and his grandma will ruin his education. For all our talk on personal responsibility, I don't think that we should blame everything on someone else like it is popular nowadays. We can never defeat terrorism unless we find out our own contribution to it, instead of crying like babies when someone points out that America is not perfect.

Anyway, I'm watching Soul Food the series and it is pretty good- I love a good soap opera. I wonder when there will be more boxes out since apparently it is a five season show, not one season like Freaks and Geeks or My So Called Life which are my only other TV shows. Well, American ones, I have several anime TV series.

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