Friday, November 03, 2006

A good post about how hard it is to lose weight, and some discuss the suckiness of beauty standards.

Ok, I was reading along and saw this:

With a metabolism fucked up from being put on diets as a young child, there's no telling how my body will respond to anything! Which means endless rounds with a doctor, first telling you that you just need to eat less (never mind that not eating is what landed me in this place in the first place) and then telling you that nothing is wrong except your will power (because you can lose weight through will alone, did you know?) and then finally ordering tests that are inconclusive.

A-frickin-men. My Mom put me on my first diet when I was SEVEN. I just want to grab doctors by the shirt and drag them over to within hissing range and tell them through clenched teeth "Do you know what happens to a person's metabolism when they've been on a diet for thirty years?"
Not to mention that when I was first put on a diet...nobody knew jack shit about what makes a person fat. I remember when I was on the "all white is all right" diet that a DOCTOR put me on. White bread, white potatoes, white rice...gosh, why don't you just hook me up to a Crisco machine and inject me outright? Oh and then there was the cabbage soup diet which made my potassium drop so low that I had to go to the ER. And then Susan Powter's "fat's make you fat, eat lots of carbohydrates!" Richard Simmons "Deal a Meal" bullshit and the original run of Weight Watchers all things boiled and nasty tasting program.
Oy. It's enough to make a person stabby.

I feel stabby thinking about a young child being put on a diet. It was bad enough hearing the 12 year olds talk about how fat they were when I was 12, but for fuck's sake, please don't put your child on a fad diet!

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