This blog is for me to put up my PSAs to the world. This blog represents the views of no company, group, or whoever. If a post is more than a day old, it may not even represent MY views.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Much like being the Traditionally Geeky Female Gamer is a double-edged sword — you get cred as being “one of the boys”, but in a way that entails the rejection of the feminine — so too is the Girly-Girl Gamer. In this case, it hinges on how the feminine is seen to be included into the gaming community.
I'm not seeing the downside to rejecting the feminine, which in esscence is denying yourself to become only the sum of your looks instead of what you do. If I wanted to be a pretty decoration to get some man hot, I'd do that, Not all woman want to be seen as objects. Many want to be seen as subjects. If a woman wants to be seen as an object, fine, but it's not a universal desire of women.
While often praised to their faces, in other areas of the gaming community women who post their pictures get labelled “attention whores” and get told that they are one of the reasons why female gamers don’t get taken seriously.
That is because that sort of thing does make it hard to take anyone seriously. Women are often told that behavior that is in esscence, self defeating, is what they should do- put the priority on looks over smarts, think that a man can/should take care of you, avoid developing one's self as a person because that's not feminine. The work for feminists to do is for us to recognize when the societal message really is bollox.
I don’t want to spend too much time on this subject, as I think it’s better suited for the next part of my series, but suffice it to say, “fakers” are classified as women, usually models, who are faking their interest/knowledge in gaming to get attention/money/whatever. These are the bottom of the barrel and are considered not to have any gamer cred whatsoever. It’s also a classification based solely on these hypothetical women’s looks; it is contingent on the perception that these women entered the gaming community/industry in order to profit off their appearance.
Actually, it's more behavior than looks. If a hot girl says she's a girl gamer and actually shuts up and plays games- no one thinks they are a faker. But if they are constantly talking about how hot they are, and licking PSPs and going on- of course the perception is going to be that they are well, attention whores.
Seriously, what sensible adult person would go and lick an electronic device and then wonder why people don't take them seriously? The problem is that these women have bought into the idea that their looks are the most important thing about them, and that this sort of behavior will make others think well of them, when the obvious reality is that people are a bit more marketing savvy nowadays. So when they see obvious plants like the Frag Dolls or booth babes or women who get columns at IGN not because of any skill they may have but because they are so hot, they are going to raise an eyebrow to women who promote themselves as girl gamers. This of course reflects badly on women who actually do like games, and actually do take more time playing games than posing in our underwear.
I read the LJ community girl gamers. Many of the women posting there could in fact be very hot. Model hot. But the majority know that nobody cares if they wear lipstick to match their DS's(there are pink DS's and I want one) or whether they wear merry widows to game in and confine their posting to actual games and game related talk because it's a gaming community. There are in fact many other communities where if these women want to get attention for their looks, they can be validated in the way they desire.
Just leave my hobby out of it. Just be a model or a sex worker, and stop trying to promote yourself using my hobby,ok?
ETA: I hate this shitty parody commerical.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well, now it's a free post. Tekanji wrote a post about girl gamers. Girly girl gamers confuse me. Saying I game, and I'm hot! seems to me like me saying I'm a community agency psychology student and I eat tortilla chips!. And we care because? It seems like instead of just playing games for the love of it, they are playing into the stereotype that women don't have real hobbies or likes or dislikes, but instead do everything they do as a sort of advertising campaign for a man or to get cash. I'm not saying people who are like that are bad people- but it's really hard to take a woman seriously as a gamer or even as an adult when she devotes more time to talking about how she is totally hot! than actually talking about playing games. If you think I'm too mean, regender. How do you think a man who always posted about how he plays video games, but is hot and has a big cock and had a website promoting himself as a 'guy gamer', with little information about games, but much about how attractive he was would be taken seriously?
The next time on Shannon's judgemental hour- we'll be talking about how women are often duped into believing that behavior that no sensible person would consider adult behavior is somehow feminine and attractive.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Book Snob You like to think you're one of the literati, but actually you're just a snob who can read. You read mostly for the social credit you can get out of it. | |
Dedicated Reader | |
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm | |
Literate Good Citizen | |
Fad Reader | |
Non-Reader | |
What Kind of Reader Are You? Create Your Own Quiz |
Also, 3003 words so far. It's nearly done. I decided to kick back after printing. But then this guy IM'd me and was like look at this! and so I looked. Being old fashioned, I recommend wearing panties in public. It's sad that nowadays seeing a celebrity's vagina has become common place and boring. I may have become Jonathan Frazen, but I'm not joking. I'm really sad!
Monday, November 27, 2006
I'm wondering why people who barely have an idea of what is going on on the other side of the city, let alone the other side of the nation are telling people on the other side of the globe what help they need to ask for. (see the original post)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Twisty posts again. For the love of god, could you white women get secure about your choice of fucking shoes? Seriously, if you're comfortable with your choice of footwear, someone else not liking it doesn't matter.
Only 310 words into my counselor profile! I'm supposed to have 1250 or so! Also rubber sidewalks. Some more hilarity: *snerk* a watch from Girls Next Door. In other disturbing items, I am on a yahoo list devoted to selling off your old items, and one lady was selling an old child pageant dress. I was like noooo!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Not related: white science guy PZ Meyers is sick of all this tasering.
*they require us to read them, really!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
ETA: I'm drinking chai style tea. Twisty is busy blaming the colonialist white supremacist patriarchy, and I'm glad she mentioned sweet potato pie, the true type of pie to eat, instead of that heathen pumpkin pie. Only white people eat that nasty ass green bean casserole I'd like to say. We are having sweet potato casserole(the kind w/ nuts on top,etc) for the next few weeks, and we had greens(but my grandma can't cook so she put okra in the middle of the greens mom worked so hard to make!), anyway, all much better than some green bean casserole. I really hate pecan pie, even though it is traditonal. I didn't have any turkey today, just ham, because my grandma cooked a turkey mom gave her and I totally don't trust grandma's turkey.
Another Edit: Now in food related coma. Send postcards to political prisoners,please.
First laws by others:
Auguste’s Law:
[Due to the completely understandable strong feelings involved], As any blog discussion about weight continues, the likelihood that the patriarchy will be forgotten in favor of infighting approaches 1.
Tubman's Law: As a feminist thread goes on, the chances of some white woman comparing something to racism, slavery and the like becomes 1(Not kittiekatie's phrasing, but it is her law)
Tekanji's what about the mens law: In any discussion about women, feminism or the like, the probability of someone saying but what about the mens approaches 1.
The Faux Card Cred Law: Anyone disavowing their various prejudices by using the phrase "I'm not anti-_____, I have _____ friends!" or some variant thereof will summarily lose the argument and be subjected to a vicious fishbeating by members of the group in question. Double fishbeatings will be enforced if the "faux-cred card" is utilized more than once in one argument.
Second, laws I believe I made up or modifications of base laws.
The law of the veil- as the time a white feminist's blog has existed goes on, the likelyhood that someone(or the blogger herself) will use the line "OMG, do you want us to wear a burqa" or use the burqa as a visual sign of oppression approaches 1.
The bandwagon law- Everyone ever wants to be called a feminist, even pro life lifestyle Goreans who think that a woman's place is in the home, and that the downfall of civilization has been brought about by feminists who have hairy legs and fuck around too much.
The out damned spot! law- Someone will always say "OMG! someone called me not a feminist" even if noone was talking about that at all. That person will be beaten with a nice large feminist of color anthology like Making Face, Making Soul.
The OMG Oppreshun!!! law- As the percentage of the female population doing a certain beauty ritual goes up, so does the likelyhood that some lady will break her arm patting herself on the back because she stood up to the oppressive feminists who won't let her do whatever beauty ritual 99% of women in her country(OK, it's usually america) do.
Nubian's Law(named after her for no good reason): No matter how racist something that a woman of color blogger has blogged about is, there will be white people commenting that that wasn't racist at all.
The pleasure law: Pleasure will always be defined as a bunch of girly crap.
The Cosmo Girl law: If any jokes, snark or witty turns of phrase are used to attack sexism, someone will complain lest the lack of complete and total seriousness scares off some girl who is in fact perfectly fine with her own lack of political consciousness.
Twisty's rule(also named after a blogger): Billion dollar industries, years of cultural indoctrination, and the way society is structured has nothing on what one blogger says on the internet.
The real women have curves law: Whenever a discussion about eating disorders, dieting or weight occurs, the probability that someone will mention that obesity is a KILLER!!! approaches 1
Faux Cred Card, Feminism Corrallary: If anyone claims to have a get out of the patriarchy free card (i.e. My decisions have nothing to do with the majority culture because I do BDSM/my Milton is a perfect saint/I live in a sealed bubble) will have to wear a sports corset, a hobble skirt, and stiletto heels while running a mile and jumping over railroad tracks.
The first sex law: If some sexual act is mentioned, the possibility of someone talking about their experience of it in graphic detail approaches 1.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
And on the other side, anorexia kills a model. Anorexia is a culture bound disorder. This does not make it any better for the victims.
Monday, November 20, 2006

Now, that's just creepy. (here's a whole website devoted to creepiness, and here's a film about creepy crazy child pageants on youtube.) This sort of thing is why I don't hold off on declaring things to be tools of the patriarchy. I mean seriously, I don't expect pageant mothers to read this blog and because I didn't call them tools of the patriarchy, lead a feminist revolution.
Even though women are oppressed, that doesn't stop a great many of them from looking around and saying "hey, I'm pretty happy with stuff the way things are". They aren't being forced to live shallow lives of dressing their kids in dumb outfits that cost too much just to spite the evil strawfeminist * who threatens to outlaw lipstick and blowjobs if they don't sacrifice their daughters to the pageant gods. No, their priority simply isn't the liberation of women. Their priorities are elsewhere. So why try to make a movement for liberation a movement for fun to accommodate these types?
*Maybe my foundations teacher is the strawfeminist. She wears sensible shoes, and by facial expression, I don't think she thinks shopping, but for fun stuff, not boring stuff! is a job.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Protesters are sexually harrassed in Houston. This story really shows the seedy underbelly of our society. Should we all look for a fund that gives out cellphones w/ cameras and little camcorders to protestors?
Our fun feminist friends may want to call off that google search! The Wii has brought peace and harmony to the world.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
People who live in Houston should collect food for the food drive for the janitors.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Black people have awesome families. I'm going to spread a rumor that white folks don't even go to their half aunt's baby's funeral. Just to be mean.
Also, dumbasses are lining up to pay some $500 for a PS3. Shit ain't even backwards compatiable! Oh yea, these idiots are being mocked on ebay.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Also: Don't give your nasty ass crap to the poor. They don't want it. If you give half eaten food to the food pantry, you need to have your ass kicked.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Tip for this holiday season: don't get carried away with the frenzy over 'hot' toys. Use common sense. If an ebay seller has 100 toys that it is really hard to get, what are the odds of you actually getting that toy? Common sense will save you a lot of grief this Christmas. Not to mention, no kid has to have a certain toy. No one was ever damaged for life because they had to play with a regular old Elmo doll you got off ebay for ten bucks.
She's so very dedicated to this man that she's making herself miserable for him and bitching about it online? What a pillar of devotion and strength.
Perhaps this is just me being closed-minded and stereotype-driven, but don't people who join communities dedicated to extreme sexual lifestyles get over the whole high-school "ew, icky, slut!" thing?
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Also, hentai games are pure evil.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
About blogging, it seems that bloggers broke the story about the sexual assaults on the Eid. Women are now rallying against sexual assault.
This lady is full of win.
I know perfectly well that desires and cravings for food can feel really strong, can feel like they are overwhelming and controlling us, but to grab a little piece of wisdom straight from "the program," feelings aren't facts. Just because we feel like we can't resist eating a particular food doesn't mean we really can't (and certainly doesn't give us any information about why we shouldn't). As Julia Penelope says, "...appealing to feelings is one way of resisting change." "I just feel that way" is an argument for nothing except doing what you want (or in this case, NOT doing what you want) without examining the way patriarchy shapes all our beliefs and desires.
I'm not sure about whether compulsive eaters can resist or not, but what she said reminded me of a connection I made while I was reading Making Face, Making Soul. I tend to resist the idea that feminism is about making people feel good because the whole emphasis on feelings sort of echoes white resistance to anti racism. The focus is always on how if we say anything, a white person's feeling will be hurt, and apparently the world will fall apart if a white person ever feels bad.
I mean, when brownfemi talks about women walking with machetes and their kids on their hips, I somehow don't get the impression that they are walking that way to have fun. I may be a privileged first worlder, but I get the impression that women in the third world are working hard against sexual assault, against women being lashed for being raped, against dirty water, against a lack of education for girls, against a whole lot of stuff that isn't about just having a big party all the time.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
At least someone else didn't like that drapes crack.
WTF? Rumsfield resigned? Also, the press corps seem to be getting tough on the Prez.
Maybe you should donate to microfinance the developing world. At least you'll feel better.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Let's all work hard to win! Personally I think it'd be best if you voted for Harold Ford Jr, and no on amendment one.
I also object on the idea that tossing money in the trash is a very bad thing to do. A tip for feminine women- if you want to waste some cash on yourself, do something that is durable and you actually might enjoy for yourself, not just because someone else likes it. I know that's a shockingly radical statement as women are supposed to not have hobbies or lives outside being cute decorations, but come on. Try having a hobby. It improves your life.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Androgynous You scored 63 masculinity and 53 femininity! |
You scored high on both masculinity and femininity. You have a strong personality exhibiting characteristics of both traditional sex roles. |
![]() |
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Bem Sex Role Inventory Test written by weirdscience on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Also, a conversation.
Mom:I found a place that does massages and pampering reasonable so we can go!
Me: Why do I have to be pampered?
Mom: To remind you you're a girl and should be pampered
Me: I already know I'm a girl! I don't wanna be pampered.
I will use them to explore the gap between effective(i.e. looking for effects) and affective(trying for a certain feeling) feminism. Affective feminist would wonder why we are talking about fake girl gamers as being attention seekers, when we should be supporting women, even if they go around licking PSPs in a blatantly unsanitary manner. Effective feminists would wonder why anyone would think that beauty contests or licking PSPs helps the cause of women in gaming, as we already have plenty of ways that women are celebrated for being 'hot'.
Affective feminists would say that the effective feminists are ruining the movement because they might hurt the feelings of women who lick PSPs and post faux lesbian pictures on their myspaces and of course, they'd never become feminists as the goal of feminism is for women to feel good. But effective feminists would think affective feminists are ruining the movement because feeling good doesn't advance any goals.
Of course I'm an effective feminist. Those women know full well that they'll get rewards like attention for licking PSPs and joining beauty pageants. Heck, the winner of the beauty pageant might even get prizes. If they'd rather get those rewards than be feminists, it's their own choice. We all have our own sense of what is important in life.
We as women aren't responsible for whether other women want to work for their own liberation or not. I think that sometimes I sort of respect non feminists more than affective feminists. Nonfeminists know what they want, and how to get it. You want to be interviewed at IGN and maybe given free games? Lick a PSP, conform to beauty standards, maybe play dumb a bit.
But if you want all people everywhere to always approve of you, and to always feel good about yourself, well, that's a tricky pickle and I'm not sure a political movement could do that for you.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Note: when I blame the patriarchy I'm blaming the 'really annoying system of sexism that oppresses women, although women can uphold it and be complicit with it".
Brownfemi is working hard to make us aware of the system of nation/state violence. I like this sort of stuff, because it's not a bunch of women whining about how the mean mean feminists didn't give them feminist cookies for doing the same thing they'd do anyway, but are shouting on behalf of their sisters and brothers in other countries or in their community.
That's outrage I can understand. I can get why brownfemi is upset that people are being raped and killed in Mexico. That's power I get. I don't get why I'm supposed to be mad that a feminist writer said that some other lady put parka filling in her face(which goretex is), but I can understand why you wouldn't want people to get shot.
Is John Stossil on 20/20 saying, seriously, that there is no such thing as white privlege? Or is he playing devil's advocate? Please, someone, help me sleep tonight...
ETA: OHMIGOD!!! Shelby STeele, author of White Guilt, says there is MINORITY PRIVLEGE!!!! White privlege is a myth apparently. Why didn't some of y'all kneegrows tell me?!
*snork* Stupidity, it's what is for dinner.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Oaxaca Rebellion
Food Not Bombs has been invited to start kitchens in Oaxaca, Mexico to support the rebellion. We need as many volunteers willing to travel to Oaxaca as soon as possible.
Conditions continue to deteriorate here as the state resorts to terrorist tactics in an effort to crush the now quite broad movement to remove the governor, Ulises Ruêz Ortêz, from office. There is far more than I can report in this note. George Salzman thinks the number of certified deaths was up to 5 by yesterday, and many have been injured, kidnapped and imprisioned. One of the people seized by the state and now incarcerated is the biologist Ramêro Aragon PZ¯rez. His illegal arrest and jailing is not more deserving of denunciation than those of any of the other political prisoners seized by the state in an effort to destroy the movement, but there's a strong effort being made to force his release by bringing international pressure to bear, and of course to publicize nationally and internationally the traagic events happening here.
One of the Oaxaca Study-Action Group members, Lois M. Meyer of the University of New Mexico , wrote on 22 Aug, "I emailed Ramiro Aragãn's wife the denunciation translated into English. She responded with the following brief and sobering message. Last Friday Ramiro was sentenced to 45 to 90 days in prison. She is hoping the letters of support will cause/force the judge to free him. "
Maybe you'd like to go down or perhaps give a donation?
Ok, I was reading along and saw this:
With a metabolism fucked up from being put on diets as a young child, there's no telling how my body will respond to anything! Which means endless rounds with a doctor, first telling you that you just need to eat less (never mind that not eating is what landed me in this place in the first place) and then telling you that nothing is wrong except your will power (because you can lose weight through will alone, did you know?) and then finally ordering tests that are inconclusive.
A-frickin-men. My Mom put me on my first diet when I was SEVEN. I just want to grab doctors by the shirt and drag them over to within hissing range and tell them through clenched teeth "Do you know what happens to a person's metabolism when they've been on a diet for thirty years?"
Not to mention that when I was first put on a diet...nobody knew jack shit about what makes a person fat. I remember when I was on the "all white is all right" diet that a DOCTOR put me on. White bread, white potatoes, white rice...gosh, why don't you just hook me up to a Crisco machine and inject me outright? Oh and then there was the cabbage soup diet which made my potassium drop so low that I had to go to the ER. And then Susan Powter's "fat's make you fat, eat lots of carbohydrates!" Richard Simmons "Deal a Meal" bullshit and the original run of Weight Watchers all things boiled and nasty tasting program.
Oy. It's enough to make a person stabby.
I feel stabby thinking about a young child being put on a diet. It was bad enough hearing the 12 year olds talk about how fat they were when I was 12, but for fuck's sake, please don't put your child on a fad diet!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
From New Game Plus.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
bitchphd | Homepage | 11.01.06 - 6:30 pm | #
Bitch Phd makes an interesting comment. I feel really suspicious of anyone making the argument that if you're not nice, well, what if someone doesn't like it? Maybe they aren't ready yet. Maybe they need to go and get their act together before they are ready to really listen. But why should I wait for them when there are people who are ready?
I personally don't think you need a political movement to have plastic surgery. Now I can see a movement to stop sexual assault like what happened in Egypt on the Eid, but merely to conform to old sexist beauty standards? Bleh.
Also I found an interesting letter in the letters section:
The new feminism? Give me a break!
If top-to-toe (ouch!) cosmetic surgery is the new feminism, I quit! Maybe I'll become a Christian -- at least they have the idea that life is about more than narcissism and consumption. Seriously, anyone who thinks feminism is about producing the illusion of perfect self-control through masochistic woundings of the body hasn't been paying attention. Feminism is a social justice movement, not a beauty regime. What does plumping up your imaginary wrinkles with parka filling have to do with equality between the sexes?
Nothing. Not one thing.
-- Katha Pollitt
21)Take up knitting
23)Look! babies dressed as pumpkins!
24)Get yourself a new manga volume
28)Movie night!
29)heckle anime!
30)Board game night!