Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It seems this girl is the Queen of the Scene not for what she looks like, but what she does. Children's Books: Our Antidrug.

Today I was handwashing clothes and realizing why I don't like housework. If I know that I can't get a good dent in my work if I worked for 24 hours straight without ceasing I tend to become less motivated. Small annoyances are really annoying when you're doing housework- like the fact that I had to go to the other bathroom to hang up my boxers and my lacy panties so that my father would not see my underpants. Yes, I talked about housework just as an excuse to talk about panties.

This lady started talking all about panties, and you know what? My favorite panties are either boxer shorts under skirts(both modest and free flowing) or granny panties, bikini style, I think. I also like boyshorts although they are best on swimsuits. But granny panties are the best because the cotton is good for your pussy, and they are comfortable. If you bend over the wrong way and show your panties(sorry to the poor lady at the pharmacist, I won't wear minis again ;_;), it is much less embarrassing to show your grannies than it is to show a thong.

Although the panties for young girls are way too sexy nowadays. I mean, low slung bikinis with little stars on them? Ok, I own that pair, but if I was the age intended, some scolding would be on my menu!

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