Monday, October 03, 2005

Things That Whites Do That Annoy Me
1) That thing where they seem like they are lying. Like they say I'm not a racist but, and then say something racist, or like, they say something racist, and then say they aren't racists. This seems oddly dishonest to me, but I can't tell whether the dishonesty is intentional or not. They could think they were being honest, but then said something stupid, or they could be lying on purpose.

2)That thing they do where they look like they are disregarding reality. Our government seems filled with incompetent criminals. CEOs of major corporations keep declaring their companies bankrupt. The people on the top are mostly white males, but somehow I'm supposed to assume these fuckups are all better for the job than any person of any other race or gender? This seems to me unrealistic.

3)That thing where they deny my reality. Like I say "man, most whites are racist" and they say "But only A FEW are racist" Uh...cites there? I have personal experience of whites saying racist shit in my face. On the TV and radio lately, white people have gotten diarrhea of the mouth and are embarrassing the whole country. (everyone should tell them to shut up). If they are saying stuff like that in front of our faces, what are they doing behind our backs? I don't think the racism fairy causes racism, so when whites act racist, I start thinking they are racist. It's like how if you fuck one chicken....

4)I hate it when people have no idea what something is, but want to talk about it anyway. You don't understand the difference between my grandma being like "Man, I hope those crackers don't harm Jason"(context: my brother had gone down to rural Alabama to spend Thanksgiving with his white girlfriend and her grandparents. Don't worry- as I assured her no harm occurred) and 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, and this color blind racism shit we have now. AND you think my grandma is worse than all that other stuff. But you want to talk to me about racism. Yea. That'll work.

5)I hate it when they assume something is true just because they say it is. They act like saying there isn't racism is the same as there not being racism. WTF?

6)I also hate it when they act like their terms are more important than ours. If blacks define racism a certain way, and whites define it another way, I think it's more important to satisfy the terms of the black people, because we are trying to fix the racist stuff that carried over from the past that was directed at blacks, not make whites feel good about themselves. I mean, I'm just assuming, but if whites volunteered at a senior citizen home, I think they could feel good about themselves without ruining the racial progress people have died for.

7)I wish hard work was more appreciated. I hate it when blacks don't appreciate hard work, but whites combine it with this annoying "you blacks don't succeed just because you're lazy" stuff, which makes it even worse. I'm busting my ass making a business and some asshat complains because he doesn't think my buttons are perfect enough to be sold. Black people are busting their ass in school and when we get into college, it's all woe is the white man, how come he can't do this or that? Black people are busting their ass with organizations to help their community, but we get called lazy anyway. It's just like you'll never be right no matter what.

8)I hate when they complain about really minor stuff. Yea, they teach books by non whites, and put a bit of non white history in the schools. Our educational system doesn't suck because of that. Yes, if you say really offensive shit, people will get offended- suck it the fuck up. Yea, there might be consequences for your actions. I could go out and say that whites carry deadly lice on the radio. But maybe they would cancel my radio show because that's not true.

You may say, I'm white and I don't do this stuff. Great! This is just a list of stuff I notice that whites do that I don't like. If you don't do this stuff, you can avoid my ire. See how that works? What you do is important. It's a different set of values. Why don't I bitch out other races? Basically, blacks get enough shit already. They don't need me calling them out- there are even plenty of black bloggers who call out blacks who do stupid shit. Steve Gillard loves it. He called out tons of dumb asses today. Hispanics are the same. Asians get some shit, and plus, they don't do anything annoying to me. Native Americans? Already get enough shit. But whites? They barely get any shit. When that Glass fellow made stuff up, his race wasn't an issue, but Jayson Blair was an indictment of all blacks. WTF? Also they annoy me by doing racist stuff. Thus they get the guff. Also, they get to be President, and stuff like that, giving them to power to fuck up my life. Because of millions of stupid white people, I might not have access to birth control or abortion. Damn you! Turn into smart whites so I won't have to worry.

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