Monday, October 27, 2003

I still don't want to write my essay, so I'll talk about a surprising occurrence. Once I saw a documentary on Malcolm X on BET(actually having programming that might uplift someone? woah!) but the end bothered me. In the shot you can tell that the classroom is integrated, but only the black kids get up and say "I'm Malcolm X!" (in the shots shown, of course).

I think kids of all races should have done that, since it would have honored Malcolm change of heart. I am remembering these details from The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Anyway, Malcolm X went to Mecca and saw how many different races of Muslims there were, and he had a change of heart. He went from talking about white devils to talking about the connections between different people. That is my favorite turning point ever.

I think that people of every race should be inspired by Malcolm standing up for his rights. Even if he did go wrong in the beginning, I think that we all will go wrong in our lives. Maybe it's better to be able to admit you're wrong than thinking you have to be right all the time. I think that maybe if we learn from what came before, we can become better people.

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