Sunday, August 14, 2005

On Steve Gillard's blog, people are shocked, shocked, that he feels anger and would *gasp* curse people out about defending PETA's stupid ad campaign. This is a huge gap in the conversation. That whites can't understand that seeing a black man murdered brutally by racists creates a viseral pain in black folk. In fact, when we hear about people who have murdered and raped black folks, we do not think of them as heroes, but as murderers and rapists. This is the cause of a great argument in Memphis. Many of the white citizens don't understand why dedicating parks to murderers and rapists makes some black people angry. Even though the man's own black descendants(KKK men being notorious hypocrites) note that he was a terrible person.

The fact that we have to explain why we feel angry about the deaths of black people points to a great deficit in the humanity of the people who need the explanation. That's one example of how racism hurts everyone- it leaves some people so dead inside that they can't feel another's pain if they are a different color.

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