Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Yesterday, I received two mini comics, which are self published comics with usually a small print run. The title of both of them was Nonsense (#1 and #2). The writer/artist is a guy by the name of Steve Clark. The first involves his creepy man who is naked yet has no genitalia and his mental state. I liked the funny pay offs in both of the stories, one of which involves the man going to the mental hospital for a suicide attempt, and the other involving the man's general solitude.

The second which I enjoyed a lot involved the man's dating problems. The first story was about a young woman with mental problems whose boyfriend abuses her. The other characters in the story are represented as rabbits. To me, there were funny bits, but maybe I have a weird sense of humor. The other story was about how the man watches unrealistic love comedies and then totally misinterprets a lady not being attracted to him. I thought this was funny, but then again..

The drawing style is pretty good, clear lines, and such. I obtained them by writing to his email (Jihad4bush@hotmail.com) and requesting the comics. Since they don't cost anything, there's nothing to lose by trying them. Sometimes I wish I was good enough to do a mini comic.

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