Sunday, October 10, 2004

In important news, the new Nobel Peace Prize winner has a really good speech about the problems of Africans, and this gave me a new perspective on say, ethnic warfare and the political situation in Africa. She also makes me feel uplifted with her call for Africans to fight oppression. Although I am not an African, in my mind, the message is universal. I think it's like how all leaders will issue a call for their specific people- but everyone can join it. Gandhi spoke about the Indian people, but Martin Luther King Jr heard his call, and made it specific to blacks, and I wonder how many authentically heard his call? I say authentically, because I am against white people using MLK Jr's words to be anti black. If you're anti black, use your own thinkers' words and leave ours alone.

Also, in weird news, frat guys act stupid. Please don't write slurs on people if they are passed out. Call an ambulance. Or maybe that's not right. But seriously, there's a right course of action here, and writing weird things on people isn't it.

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