Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I really like fashion. It's like a scavenger hunt for the right stuff, and you can always combine your clothes in novel ways. Today I'm kinda school girl I guess. I'm wearing a pleated plaid skirt, a white shirt, and sheer black knee socks. Maybe this should be a fashion blog. But I am a very ugly person, and plus, no one wants to hear my crazy mouth and see my ugly face at the same time.

Also, in black people stuff, I agree with this guy that it's not black folk's own fault that we aren't doing better. Yea, sometimes black people do stupid stuff, but people of all races do stupid stuff too. I mean,seriously, whenever a white owned business steals people's 401k money or they make a stupid business decision, no one is like "If only whites were smarter, they'd be more successful in life" They are like "Bob the idiot CEO is a dumb motherfucker" as they should.

Something that annoys me is that whites never have to take any responsibility for any crimes against humanity they may have committed. "Oh, I am an imbecile! I can't possibly be complicit in any systems" which is dumb. I think they should stop worrying about whether they are racist or not, because it's not whether you are racist- it's what you do about it. None of us would have a problem if people tried to rise above their own racism, but if they decide to wallow in it, it's not like they are setting themselves up for respect, you know?

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