Sunday, October 24, 2004

I'd totally be like Freud if I was a white guy in his day. I was reading this blog, which is talking about how one can be racist by trying not to be racist, and you know why I rant about racism so much? Because it creeps me the fuck out. After people keep stretching and twisting and turning the truth into pretzels, they seem to end up in some other universe. It's really weird. From my observations it's a universe where wearing a FUBU shirt is more offensive than the Confederate Flag, where saying "we need to do something about health care disparities in minority communities is racist" but the actual health care disparities aren't, a world where actions can be disappeared and have no effect, where the past and future don't connect, where no one has any responsibility for their actions unless they are people of color.

This creeps me out on a visceral level. It's just like it's possible for normal people to totally disconnect from reality. Of course, it's like that with Bush fans believing that Saddam Hussein flew an airplane into the WTC, but you know, that's kinda transient. I think that once we get Bush out, they'll wake up, and wonder where they got that idea from. Of course, that is a delusion on my part- that the past four years can just disappear like dew on the grass.

I wish it could. I wish it could all disappear. But I still realize that I'd be lying to myself if I didn't recognize that our bad actions have changed everything in this world. We are weaker to attack, and we have brought it upon ourselves. Excuses won't change what we have done. We can't lie our way out of this. Even if we are weak people like me, we should be able to face up to our sins and our crimes. We have to be honest with ourselves.

In abnormal psychology class, my teacher says that the therapy has something to do with the person who created it. Of course, in this age of HMOs, one can not have therapies that go on for a long time. I don't know what sort of therapy I'd create. I love narrative, and always am looking at the shadow. That's why I say I'd be like Freud. I don't have the genuine human warmth that others have, so that would affect it too. I feel it, but I can't show it. So one can not depend on the client liking the therapist.

I don't know. It's interesting to think though.

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