Friday, February 11, 2005

I was thinking about how certain things bother me, and how some things do not. The affirmative action debate bothers me a lot, because somehow the idea that I who have actually worked should take a back seat to white people who don't, annoys me greatly. It's just like yes, I do understand that in the day, they did get more free passes to jobs that they didn't deserve. But they try to say that oh, racism is bad, or something, while trying to get jobs that they simply don't deserve.

Why do I say don't deserve? Because usually it's true. Black people actually have to be qualified for jobs, but no one cares about a white person who is a total idiot because everyone just assumes that pale skin qualifies you for every job on the fucking planet. (unless you don't have a penis, then you're automatically an idiot, because you know they fix cars with their fucking penises)

But even white women with like 1.9 GPAs who sit around and smoke pot all day instead of going to fucking class aren't considered to be taking whiny whitey's spot(because colleges have spots that are reserved for whites only you know! I bet if that were the case, they'd stop complaining about imaginary quotas and embrace the real- which also annoys me, stop being so arrogant that you think you can complain about stuff you don't know about) but I who go to CLASS, who do all the WORK, who has a 3.1 GPA, who does RESEARCH and WORKS and just generally ACTUALLY DOES WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO am considered the bad one because somehow my skin is like 5 shades too dark for my EFFORT to be considered.

I think that's what bothers me. I value hard work, and am not just saying that I do. Like people SAY oh, I believe in hard work, etc,etc, but do I ever see them taking a hard working janitor's side over a CEO who has been on the golf course in between firing like a zillion workers? NO! Not to mention black people's HARD WORK to get some actual INJUSTICES redressed versus some lazy white people who probably sat around bitching about black folks and maybe cheering on white violence.

Also, it pisses me off that they actually think this is an injustice, and an important one at that! Now, if they wanted to talk about injustice, now we got a list ten miles long, but one I'd like to end is the locking up black men for stupid stuff, the differential enforcement of the laws, the lack of decent health care for black folks, both mental and physical, and the assault on education that can save lives. BUT A BLACK MAN GETTING A JOB OR AN EDUCATION IS AN INJUSTICE in these people's world.

I fucking swear the same people saying this mess would be the same people who were the MAIN ONES bitching if black folks don't have jobs or educations. We're supposed to magically educate all the black people who need to go to college in a few unfunded institutions and then magically with like 3.50 in our pockets create millions of jobs. While blacks did labor mightily under formal segregation, letting blacks in the mainstream works better. But I guess people who are idiots don't exactly think these things through.

So in conculsion to my rant I think it's the fact that they think whites are just so much important that if they aren't served first, they think it's unjust. But to fix our problem, they have to stop always being served first. Some white people are like OMG, you're advocating black supremacy, because they can't conceieve of equalty( I mean *actual* equality, not this white BS were you're on unequal footing, but white folks pretend it's fine)

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