Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I never got the idea that Dems should move to the right (which they are calling the center nowadays). Like seriously, do you think that Bobby Joe who doesn't care if the country is falling around his head if we are killing some brown people in some country he wouldn't have been able to find on a map, is going to vote for Democrats if they go and sell out their base? No, he's going to go for the same people he already likes. He knows that they have his conservative values in mind, but these new folks? Didn't he hear that they wanted to consificate his bible like two weeks ago? Those liberals might be playing politics. But the Repubs, they are true Christians.

But, if the Demos go to Susie Apathetic Voter, they are all the same, so why bother, and say "Hey, Susie, we got new plans to keep grand ma's check coming, to give you time off work to raise your baby right, and to get your kid health insurance"- you know, you might have a new voter. Also, they could try to get the traditional conservatives- they may be a bit uneasy about spending like a stuck pig on wars for no reason, and it certainly isn't small gov't for the gov't to be sticking its nose in everyone's bodies and religions. (i.e. traditional conservatives are about economics, not trying to punish people for not living the exact way they want them to)

I think the Dems could pick up just a little bit from those groups and energize its base they could have themselves a deal. Now women are 50% of the country. Minorities-25%, people making under $100,000 a year? That's a fuckton of people. Make it relevant to people's lives and they'll listen. This mess about competing to see who hates gays more? Fun and all, but come on.

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