Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I don't get the whole personal responsibility dealie. Yea, it's my fault for eating a chocolate covered strawberry and getting hives, but a doctor wouldn't say "it's your fault- I'm not treating that. Go die and or something". Finding fault is FUN, I like it too, but you can't exactly run a society like that. For example, our infant mortality rates suck. Now we can bitch about the moms, or we can do what we can to alleviate the problem. I guess I don't get it, because it does nothing to fix anything. I like self reliance as much as the next guy, but things CAN and WILL go wrong, and all the platitudes about standing on your own two feet mean nothing when you are sunk under medical bills.

I also don't get the whole either we totally socialize medicine or we have totally unregulated medicine dictotomy. I may just be stupid, but you know, can't you have both? Well, I'll try to look up some answers to that, because I sincerely don't know. But seriously, wouldn't it SAVE money if everyone got treated for small problems before they became big problems? Like having a doctor come in at the very early stages of diabetes, where it can often be controlled by lifestyle, instead of when the person needs major surgery due to bad circulation? Not to mention, I hear it's a lot of bureaucracy trying to match together the million different types of insurance and HMOs and whatever...

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