Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Thanks Coach Asshat. Instead of teaching or setting an example, you decided to humiliate a kid in front of the entire school. Noone should be allowed to bitch if this kid gets fat(because he's scared off sports for life), if he commits suicide(because the tormenting gets worse.) or if he takes bloody revenge. You, the Coach, could have at least tried to act like you had some sense. I don't care if the kid went on his knees and cried before every practice, there is no call for this. If he actually whined- I don't mean, not licking peanut butter off your fucking asscrack, which morons who look for excuses to humiliate 13 year old school kids think it whining - I mean hardcore whining. Just say "Hey, you need a bit more practice before we can really put you in. Here are some tips". The kid learns a positive lesson, not that sports is bad, and that people are assholes who need to die.

You deserve a thousand cock punches.

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