Tuesday, May 18, 2004

A Change Gon' Come...

Change is a constant. That's why I can't understand why people are so scared of it. Our society is changing, it's always been changing, maybe we're changing a bit for the better. People always complain about change, but what's the point, it's just gonna come. People are always running back, trying to recapture a past that just didn't even happen.

Where is that utopia before black rights, gay rights, women's rights? I don't know, but from reports from people who lived it, it didn't exist. I sometimes wish we could go back to the time that the only thing we worried about is the President's dick, but that time can never come back. Our dreams of the past are way different than it was, anyway. I was a young teen then, and I wouldn't go back to that age for anything.

We have to go forward. That utopia we are dreaming of may never exist. If we keep crying for the past, we guarantee that it'll never come to us. Of course, the ones crying for the past are the ones who I want their dreams to never come true. I got my n word wake up calls, but I don't wanna die for looking at people funny or not be able to (in theory) get a job that uses my abilities. I've never been pregnant, but I don't want to go back to the days when people took dangerous herbs or used all manner of horrors to remove a fetus. I'm not a practicing gay, but I'm glad that now they are able to get married. More happiness can be spread that way, and when I finally have kids, and they get my age, they'll look at me, and laugh when I say that once gays couldn't get married, much as us today see the idea of multiracial marriage being banned as laugh worthy.

Our upheavals will seem so petty in the future. When at least white supremacy is truly killed, the children will laugh at the history books, saying that folks complained that black history was learned in college, and they'll laugh at the books once saying that white men thought that having schools with ten percent blacks in them was a threat. They'll be howling when we tell them about how people were scared of queer theory- hhahahaa, mama, they'll say, they really were scared to see if books said anything about gays? They'll cry with laughter when we tell them that seeing how women were portrayed in books was considered the end of all civilization!

Our foolish fears and foolish pride will all be laughed at in the future, so why don't we start laughing now?

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