Friday, May 07, 2004

Teresa Heinz Kerry had the most campaign perfect near abortion ever. I'm not saying that to down the pain of losing a fetus/baby or whatever, but she had to (nearly, she miscarried) have an abortion because she took cortisol medication(a mistake anyone could make, and not connected to s e x ) and then was ordered by her doctor(she didn't want to!) abort because of possible birth defects(see! she was to abort to save her child suffering!). It's the perfect big tent abortion- pro choicers like it because even a high placed Senator's wife was faced with the choice, cuts down on prejudice against the poor. (Chris Rock's notes on the association with being able to support a kid, and abortion are well noted) Pro lifers like it because it was to help a pre born child. Not for economic reasons(because God will provide if you save that baby's life! not), but for a reason that we can all get behind- health. Not to mention, she's a happily married (white) woman, not one of those unmarried welfare queens(usually thought of as black).

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