Thursday, June 07, 2007

Today's post is about an imaginary land in which there is no femininity or masculinity. Let's imagine the mall in this place. The clothing is arranged by size (for example, skirts with waist, hip and inseam). People pick the clothing that suits them best. Men(including those born as women) carry around infants and play equally with children, and women(including those born as men) are acknowledged as enjoying a wide range of interests which have nothing to do with pleasing others. Women have a lot less work to do in this utopia. The girls and boys sections of toy stores do not exist- toys are arranged by interest- cooking here, building there, and children get toys not based on what gender they are, but based on the interests of the child. Little girls have a lot more leeway to develop interests not based on looking pretty. Even the remaining beauty and fashion toys are not solely of women- you can brush and braid a man's hair too. There is no un and underpaid labor force made up almost entirely of women- men equally volunteer, clean,cook, raise babies, do the emotional labor of comforting others, etc. Of course, the emotional and physical labor of the beauty standard has disappeared. No more endless talk about how you lost 10 pounds, if you have curly or nappy hair, there's none of that spending hours in the salon attempting to straighten it or battling with a flat iron, no learning bizarre tools and techniques to fit in, etc. Invisible labor is still labor, after all.

The magazine section also looks different. There are no women's magazines as being interested in losing ten pounds and also in recipes for chocolate cake don't really go together. Oh, and there's also a lack of porn, even on the internet. People have lost interest in the extruded sex product, and spend their time having mindblowing life affirming sex instead. Being interested in seeing violence against people would be viewed sort of as we view necrophiles now- you're interested in what? Humiliating people and dominating them would be viewed as the anti sex. There also wouldn't be prostitution, as the idea that one is entitled to sex because they have money would be a foreign concept. Women and men feminized by society such as gay men and transgendered people would not have the burden of sex labor.

Schools would also be different. There would not be as much emphasis on sports as there is now. There would be exercise, but none of this "If you can't play football well at age 6, you're a total worthless loser" crap. A lot more would happen, but I can't think of it. Men and women will be free to experience a wide range of emotions, as the idea that men aren't supposed to feel sad or women are not supposed to feel angry will seem absurd. Makeup will be a lot more varied- instead of following trends, people will just paint on whatever.

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