Friday, September 23, 2005

MEMO TO WHITE PEOPLE: You're SUPPOSED to learn stuff in college, fool! Stop with this bitching right now! White people, and that especially includes conservatives that are mad about the liberal slant of education- no one is making you go to college! If you don't want to improve your mind, there are tons of people who DO want to improve their minds! They'd love the opportunity to have all the resources that a college kid has at hand. I have a huge library, teachers who know stuff, people who come to the college and speak about stuff, film series educating me about the world, students who are working in groups to educate people- all at my finger tips! I don't have to go and hunt down someone if I want to know more about Christian heresies- I can ask my religion professor. I've practically gotten a degree in racism studies just using the library here. My mind has been enriched by speakers here.

I take advantage of this shit because I'm actually grateful for it. Maybe they should take their 'spots' in college and give them to someone who actually is grateful for the chance to learn.

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