Saturday, September 24, 2005

I heard about the school closings on the MARTA as two people were complaining about what would people do with their kids, and suchlike. The MARTA ferries people who are employed in the service industries around a lot, and I thought about how stupid an idea that was. I mean, how is Susie Kroger Checkout Lady going to get to work? And if she doesn't show, doesn't that mean problems for everyone else? That would be an especial problem if the staff for the hosptial don't show because they all need to take care of their kids. I'm not an expert on poor people or anything, but wouldn't it be a problem if they had to miss the wages of two days of work or incur additional expenses by having to pay for babysitting? I am of course not thinking about important things like that, and just hoping my ride has enough gas to get to AWA! (Uh...I went by bus last night if it helps)

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