Friday, April 23, 2004

It seems that John Scalzi has been attacked by one of those fake ass 'black conservatives'. I don't mean a black person who thinks that corporate rule is good, blowing other countries makes us safer and that guns are awesome, because those can be valid viewpoints, I mean one of those tired ass blacks who go around talking about how all of us except him/her are just stupid and lazy. It's like come on, dude, are you being constructive at all? Plenty of whites are asshats and don't do like they should, but they never get the whole race scolding.

This particular asshat thinks that just because he's black he can start busting on Hispanics. It's just like, come on, don't totally wholesale buy into that trashy viewpoint. It's like some people if they hear something repeated enough, believe it. Don't be a piece of trash- read a book today.

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