Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I don't feel like working, so I'll ask some questions about the white desire for victimhood. This has been going on since 1994(or possibly longer), as the whole angry white male movement ran around. Their premise was they weren't getting enough special treatment, all the other groups were getting more rights, and god damn it, they were victims too. This makes no sense to me, but I think my feeling about victimhood is that it should be tied to objective reality. Some Blacks feel aggrieved because black concerns are given short shrift, and thought of as less important than white concerns. For example, noone ever is like God, those money grubbing Jews, with their reparations for the Holocaust! Well, if anyone is, they'd be laughed at the stage. Many gays wish they were allowed to marry, they want the same rights as everyone else.

So I don't see how if you're having all the power and having everyone believe your concerns are more important is really discrimination. I guess it's really a fear of the loss of power, even if there is not such a big loss of power. To me, people can share power. It's not gotta be one group hogs all of it, you know? I mean, if Asians want to be empowered, I'm all for it.

I guess society does put a lot of emphasis on 0 sum competition, but maybe instead of fighting each other over scraps, we need to rethink our paradigm, you know?

That brings me back to something I have been thinking about lately. I'm in my college impasse. I can't be like fuck society! and I can't really join society. If you're like fuck society, you're still controlled by society, by your opposition. And society has only so many places, so there's no joining it. I'm sure the dilemena will be resolved, but god, it bothers me.

Still on the main topic, I just don't see why they covet victimhood so much. Yes, the media does exagerate making people think that people just take black crack addicts off the street and shower them with money, but I mean, come on, do these people have NO contact with reality at all? Is this willful denial? What is it?

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