Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hundreds of years of political and social effort for change were in fact so that white women can call men 'master'. Yeparoonie, y'all! We're not fighting against sex slavery, trans folks being beat in the street, unequal pay, rape, etc. Nope! It's all so some guy can tell you what to do with your hair. Newsflash: It really doesn't take all that so that some guy can tell you what to do with your hair.

I'm not saying that all forms of conservatism[keeping things the same as they are] require no political movement, for the prarie muffins to have their no votes for women utopia, that'd take a lot of work. Maybe they should have pundits say that no votes for women is really feminist because of choices, and plus, it's so much sexier than those grim voting feminists. It'd be against style but would get a lot of the attention solicitors on board.

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