Friday, April 04, 2008

Obama- moral high ground my butt. We need folks on the other side to take some personal responsibility. They can't keep waiting for every single black person to be perfect before working against racism and inequality. Remember! It's your responsibility not to put down people of other races, to listen and have empathy, to avoid advocating for the deaths of others, and to educate yourself. You can't wait for me not to be mad when you fly confederate flags before you drop your opposition to the anti segregation laws in schools, and start supporting investing in everyone's children. Stop judging poor people for eating hot chips, and help invest in healthy eating and food. Stop complaining that black teens have bad fashion sense with their sagging pants, and start investing in their futures. Stop complaining about how black parents are allowing kids to have toy guns, and start working for a world in which black parents can allow their kids to go outside without fear of criminals OR the police.

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