Monday, December 24, 2007

A long time ago, a rabbi said that those who are last will be first. I think he meant those who are last in your hearts will be first in heaven. The single mother who buys hot chips for her kids with food stamps, the illegal immigrant who processed your christmas turkey, and all whose brave faces have collapsed from the strains of modern life.

The last will be first unconditionally- there will not be a case worker determining eligibility for grace. Your old junker won't count against you- your waning and waxing energy won't be the reason why you do not receive grace.

In heaven, there's no court of the worthier than you to judge if your place should go to those who deserve it more. In heaven, there's no deserve. When you're at the end of your rope, heaven throws you one without giving you an audit of whether you measure up.

The truth is that heaven can be earth if we love the neighbors we have and who they are today. No one can deserve the mercy and grace of others- they are only to be given freely.

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