Thursday, December 13, 2007

In celebration of my last exam, I've been playing Carrie the Caregiver 2, and while I'm glad that lunch is so much easier than shapes[it's hard for me to chain shapes since I can never remember which kids take triangles second or third, but the food is all the same so it's easier to chain], I'm wondering why oh why does Carrie get these horrible jobs? First, she gets a job as a baby poop wiper, now she's stuck delivering shapes to toddlers. Low paid work- it's super fun.

I've gotten up to writing now. I like the reprise of the bonus for clipping the right color paper to the right hook. I wonder if the bonus hearts on the desk are too cheap as in the first game, hearts only restored one heart, not all of them. I guess it's difficult for a multi audience game to achieve game balance.

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