This blog is for me to put up my PSAs to the world. This blog represents the views of no company, group, or whoever. If a post is more than a day old, it may not even represent MY views.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tis the season to complain about how the PC gnomes are going to make you not say Merry Christmas. You know what? The PC Gnomes don't exist. They aren't hanging around with their gnome guns trying to force you to say Happy Holidays. The reason people say happy holidays is because we want a greeting that shoves the whole whack in. To me, the whole mess starting in October and running up to New Years has very little to do with Christmas, and more to do with a sort of festive season of consumerism and parties. People of other religions or no religion enjoy participating in that season, which is all good. But Christmas is really specific to me. My family members who don't celebrate Christmas[ they are Jehovah's Witnesses] may buy their holiday oreos or go to a black friday sale, but really, why say Merry Christmas to them? They don't celebrate it.
We live in a larger world than we used to, and since we don't know what every single random person celebrates, whether they are the sort who go to Christmas mass, but don't think that say, Nov 25th is Christmas or the sort that celebrate Cephalopodmas, it's easier to just say holiday and get it over with.
We live in a larger world than we used to, and since we don't know what every single random person celebrates, whether they are the sort who go to Christmas mass, but don't think that say, Nov 25th is Christmas or the sort that celebrate Cephalopodmas, it's easier to just say holiday and get it over with.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Spira wouldn't be such a bad place to live if it weren't for the invincible space whale indiscriminately killing the population. And if the souls of people killed by said invincible space whale didn't turn into murderous monsters.
I read this thing and I liked it. I think womanist musings showed it to me.
...woah...worst family ever.
Transgendered people in fanfiction.
...woah...worst family ever.
Transgendered people in fanfiction.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hey, it's the national transgender day of remembrance! Let's all remember those who died because of violence based on their gender presentation!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The reason why people are assuming the boyfriend is the hitter not the hittee is because that is a dangerous situation for this woman here.
If you find yourself in a situation like this woman's, you can call the domestic violence helpline. It's scary, but this behavior will escalate.
If you find yourself in a situation like this woman's, you can call the domestic violence helpline. It's scary, but this behavior will escalate.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You know, I'm a special special snowflake too. I learned to read at age 4, blah blah blah, I'm an armchair psychology expert, blah blah blah. But in a large society like this, I think we need some sort of school system, so at least most people can read and add and subtract. If we left it up to chance, things would be even more unequal than they are. Some kids would have amazing learning environments- for example, my dad always lectures me about science at random- and some kids would have terrible learning environments because their parents are probably so busy surviving they wouldn't have any time to teach their kids anything at all. At least in a classroom, they end up knowing that biology exists and that such a thing as calculus can happen to you.
Friday, November 14, 2008
TEENAGERS ARE HAVING SEX WITHOUT CONDOMS!!!! *dies of horror* Note: teach your boys some decency and sense so they don't go around sticking it in without wrapping that junk.
Kind hearted activists have donated to the Duanna Johnson's funeral fund. You can be one of them. from cripchick
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Athetists post ad about their beliefs. American Family Association guy is loltastic.
Dude, really, your kink is not OK. I mean seriously, we're all well within our rights to mock your love of series with pictures of 8 years olds in lingerie. I'd like to note that women drawing lolicon wank material doesn't make it feminist. This sort of thing is why I reserve the right to think your kink is not OK. Wank off to cartoon 8 year olds all you want, but I'll mock you and call you a pedo.
Previous wank Safe for work, but disturbing scan.
Dude, really, your kink is not OK. I mean seriously, we're all well within our rights to mock your love of series with pictures of 8 years olds in lingerie. I'd like to note that women drawing lolicon wank material doesn't make it feminist. This sort of thing is why I reserve the right to think your kink is not OK. Wank off to cartoon 8 year olds all you want, but I'll mock you and call you a pedo.
Previous wank Safe for work, but disturbing scan.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I don't get why my blog is linked on the daily PUMA. Did I ever say I don't like Obama? Huh? *confused*
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Thanks creepy guy. This is why I can't write a good fucked up relationship story without needing to put a warning on it saying if your relationship is like this, call this number.
Touch fuzzy, get dizzy. Burn cross, get mocked.
Touch fuzzy, get dizzy. Burn cross, get mocked.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
I am selfish. Instead of worrying about the massive human pain that is caused by our immigration policies, now I'm like what will this do to the election!?
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