Friday, February 11, 2005

I spend too much time blogging. I have started to be on other people's blog rolls I spend so much time on blogs. But I can't just resist now that their own side is saying that Red Staters are dumb. I'm sorry, but if I had voted against Bush because some fancy actor was for Bush, I'd have to go and bitchslap myself for sheer dumbness. Actors are just people we pay to look pretty on screen. If you vote based on them in any way, you're just plain stupid. So if you thought "Hey, I voted against myself because Michael Moore is fat", you're a dumbfuck.

But I also dislike people who think the Dems should try to appeal to people who would rather a million babies die horrible horrible deaths than taxes be raised 1 cent or people who think that George Bush is like Jesus or something. The center isn't the fucking right you folks.

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