Friday, November 19, 2004

Farker Quote:

2004-11-19 01:39:48 PM

Beatle-MattIf African-Americans enslaved caucasians, sold them like property, passed laws that said they counted as 5/8s of a person, murdered their civil-rights leaders, and after hundreds of years THEN made a movie called "White Chicks" roughly 40 years after passing rudimentary civil-rights laws, well, yeah, that would be wrong.

A note: A person can be an 'uncle tom' two ways. A)They can support racist policies/people in return for their own advancement. B)They can wittingly or unwittingly be used as cosigners for white racist thought. People may be confused by the criticism of blacks who do things that hurt the black community. The thing is that the black community is not just a random word- many blacks do feel that they have a community- that we aren't just individuals without any connection to each other.

I simply can't explain the disconnect between the two philosophies- between the idea that no one has any responsibility or connection to others, and that we do have responsibility to each other. However, the second feeling is why people get called uncle toms- people feel that they have failed in their responsibility to others. If you don't have a concept of responsibility to other people, I lack the ability to explain it. Hopefully someone who is better with words knows how.

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