Friday, December 31, 2004

An interesting dynamic. The woman who is actually the point of discussion here doesn't talk as much as the author or the interviewer, who seems to be trying to push a certain narrative less than he was in the other interview about this book(the one with just the author). Although there was a slightly fruitful argument with the author at the end. I might think about it some more.

Also, Communion by bell hooks is a very good look at the role of love in women's lives. She says that since people seem to determine women's worth by who desires her, that may give people skewed ideas about love, not to mention the fact that everyone just assumes that women are all naturally nurturing and that submissiveness and care are the only valid ways to show love, also distort the idea of love.

There are also good critiques where feminists need to go farther, even as they protect the gains they already have made. hooks does a good job of pointing out the improvements that feminism has created in American women's lives.
This story was very interesting- one of the most interesting parts is that the author is actually audibly upset about the mismanagement that private companies had made of Milwaukee's welfare system. Of course, all of that, and the actual human stories of the women will be ignored, so people can say all blacks are lazy and stupid.

This story is also really good. Basically this segment is about environmental racism. Luckily, environmental racism is a big tangible thing- a lack of supermarkets, bad housing quality, and dumping of hazardous materials near places where people of color live. Also, here are some photos of protests of the army depot in Memphis. My grand dad worked at it a really long time ago. Memphis has some fucked up environmental issues near it's black community.

There's a big fat refinery out there belching all those fumes. I'm sorry, but my cousin got a scholarship from them and I was like what? is that the sorry for poisoning all y'all scholarship? A lot of my cousins do have asthma, and my aunt has had really bad lung issues, and couldn't work for a long time. (Luckily she is better now) So we have to be aware of issues that effect the whole community,ok?

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I am reading America:The Book. I'm happy with the high grade of satire, but I am sad that many who read it won't get it. Oh well!

Also, seriously, I totally don't get white people. Yes, I'm aware that their ancestors did kill a bunch of people, and set up a system of oppression that benefits them to this day, but I don't think anyone would have hard feelings toward them if they just cleaned up their act and acted like decent human beings. Why is that so hard? It's not about whether you can avoid responsibility, people, it's about fixing the problem. I just don't get it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

You know, often I have a little doubt in my mind while reading the news. Like how can I tell that this organization isn't just some front for some right wing think tank or a bunch of corporate pr firms trying to manipulate my opinion? This is a brilliant post about how we are all getting punked.
Charity- it's the obligation we pay for living nicely on the earth. We have a lot of people suffering from the earthquake and the tsunamis. Just give a few dollars, and you could save a kid from dying from hunger or waterborne disease. Please give now.

Also, I was reading this article, and was thinking. Maybe this whole "reverse racism" lie is an expression of fear of loss of cultural hegemony? For example,instead of acting like everyone is a white man, and if they aren't, they should try to get that way, or at least feel bad about it, now we are opening things up- blacks can now run big companies, native americans are getting their story told, and most of us normal people don't care if someone speaks spanish.

So instead of having a special place in society, you are becoming more and more just another group. That's not what you were told(well, not told literally, more like people acted like the world was that way- this is a random theory proposed by random white guys off the street, so might be weird) the world was supposed to be like! So you act like a giant pussy. And that's today's theory.
A man going by the name of Noah TA is illustrating the pitfalls of a one size fits all approach to problems using the example of his son. This inspired me to think about how many times you can't really take the same problem, and think it has the same solution all the time because often it has a different cause.

For example, school failure. Sometimes the kid has a learning disability, sometimes they are tired because of problems at home, sometimes they simply don't see how doing a million work sheets will benefit them. You can't treat all of these problems with "STUPID MOTHERFUCKER" can you? I don't think you can treat any of them that way, but I'm a liberal.

Monday, December 27, 2004

This sort of thing always confuses me. So I'm reading about dumb excuses for slavery, and I'm like "if you got nothing to do with slavery, why make excuses for it?" I mean seriously, with all that energy they spend, they could just try to make amends and not do it again. If they are doing especially good- they could fight against slave labor in today's world. It's pretty simple to outsiders.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Jimi Izrael has a really good piece on white privilege. Read the whole thing please. It has always mystified me that whites get all testy if I say "white people" without a bunch of qualifiers. I mean, when blacks are slammed on, we don't get some blacks or a tiny minority of asshats, we get black people. It's really strange because somehow all whites get the credit if some whites do something good. For example, some whites are hard working, and smart. However, it is not true that all whites are smart and hard working- many whites are in fact, lazy and stupid. But somehow all whites get the credit for the smart whites, and none of this transfers for bad actions- for example, whites can act like they have nothing to do with stupid meth heads or slave owning bigots.

This is the opposite for blacks. For example, I am a black entrepreneur on a limited basis and I go to college. There are many blacks who own businesses, are doctors, lawyers, go to college, raise their kids in a good manner, work hard at their jobs etc,etc. These people who we call non asshats may be the majority of the black population- basically making do under the circumstances. However, do these people get to be thought of as the representative blacks? No, apparently no matter what we do, the one black guy who is the asshat is the representative for the entire race.

That's not cool. Some black people, they are idiots. We as a whole can't really do much about it. It's like George W Bush. He's an idiot. He makes the worst decisions ever. Imagine that whenever he does something stupid, people say " man, those white people" but whenever some white scientist does something awesome, people try to explain it away.

"So Bob invented the cure for cancer! Congrats!" "No, he didn't, he worked with a team" "But don't all researchers work with a team?" "No, only lazy white inventors. And plus, it only cures about 70% of cancer patients. What kind of cure is that?" and so on and so forth. And if they actually did accept that Bob did cure cancer, they'd make it out like he was the 'special' white person- no other white people could achieve anything,etc,etc.

Well, I'm off topic. Jimi says he is not interested in asking questions about white people. I'm the opposite. I'm almost indecently curious. It seems somehow wrong to just float along assuming that you're the norm. It is really fascinating to me. I guess that is the influence of different personality types.

Friday, December 24, 2004

In this discussion at Vision Circle, it was suggested that Cosby go and say "Hey, you're a single mom with X kids? Go to this place- clean yourself up"(that's just the gist of one post- read it all) Interestingly enough, I don't think he'd be getting any publicity for his tour if he did that. Like it really sounds good to blame and say we are all lazy and inferior. But it's not a very good idea- what we need is a black Conquergood- in the book The Spirit Catches You and Then You Fall Down- he didn't go up to the Hmong and say "You guys are all dirty idiots. I'm better than you, and I know what's right for you".

No, he went in, wasn't judgmental, and had interventions that went with their cultural milieu. It's like this- we can sit around high and mighty in judgment, and let parts of our country rot, or we can get off our high horses. I mean seriously, we got black folk acting like they are better than other black folk because they got a little money. I see white folk working harder with inner city youth than I see some black people(not to say the white folk are never racist or classist or don't make annoying blunders- but I'll give you credit for doing something)

Yes, some of the people will be asshats. However, Ken Lay stole money from a lot of people, and President Bush sent people off to war without planning enough, and we still give money to stuff that helps white people, and still volunteer to help them, and think they are all just the bees knees. I don't think compassion is limited, and we can only give it to people who meet a certain standard.

People may say "But you're rewarding bad behavior". I'm not saying that we gotta let all the murderers out of jail or anything, just don't always have the meter running with any thing that you don't like (she wasn't wearing rags- no compassion for her!) being immediate grounds for "fuck you". I mean seriously, I don't like how the meter is always running on me, and I'm not even broke. The whole one mistake and you're awful thing gets old.

This isn't to say that many blacks aren't doing things in their community, but they just have to notice if they do something positive and help people out, it's not going to get any press, but the second they say anything negative, even if it's in a sea of positive comments, all ears will train in on it and spread it around. America loves to hate black people, it seems.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Another aspect of white priv- if you're white, you get better health care. Why don't we try to fix that, instead of trying to remove sand out of orifices?

Also, I think Christmas songs don't have enough moping about death. My favorite Christmas songs this season(The Platter's cloying but somehow appealing What Made the Baby Cry and Vanessa's Williams I Wonder as I Wander) have a healthy amount about moping about Jesus' death, and What Made the Baby Cry also adds the heavy implication that we make baby jesus cry.
I'm happy to say that Anna Q is talking some sense. It's pretty easy to put up a plastic baby Jesus and say "we're number one", but it takes balls to actually do something Jesus would like on his birthday- like loving your neighbor, or helping people out. Of course, this should happen all year- Christians should stop trying to make our laws all fucked up, and try to make their communities better places to be. Instead of saying bad things behind that unwed mother's back, why don't you come by with a fresh cooked meal or offer some day care? Instead of bitching about 'lazy people', why don't you volunteer at programs for at risk children? There are so many kind giving loving things that Christians can do, that are more in the spirit of their religion.

Another interesting thing is that ice and snow has gotten all over the place and everything is closed and everyone is in a panic. I might make Xmas cookies, because my mom is too injured to make them. You know the pain is bad when she actually took her medicine(not that she should- that Celebrex stuff isn't good for you...or so it seems to my science illterate mind..)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The UCC has launched a counter attack- they want people to write letters to the FCC complaining about the censoring of their advertisement. Go to this site, and see what they have to say, and see if you want to support them. I already have. I sent off a letter, but I might give some money, just so there will be more promotion of church people who don't hate gays on the airwaves.

I personally am not religious. If all powerful beings talk to people, I haven't heard them. But I think that religion can be a tool for good or evil, and I think more people need to use it for good. I don't know why, but somehow I felt a mood of peace come over me in the last few minutes. Maybe we are on the cusp of an awakening- everyone is working so hard to advance the country, and many small revolutions are going on every day, as well as many small miracles. By the time I am my parent's age, this society will be unrecognizable, and I have the belief right now that it'll be for the better.
I'm really amused by this bitch. She wants to whine about the consequences of her own stupid actions. I could wear a prom dress saying "I think it's ok to murder white people" but it's my own damn fault if colleges decide that they don't want a person who thinks murder is cool in their school. She choose to wear a symbol that flew over tons of Klan rallies, so she loses some scholarship money for being an asshat. I like how folks think that personal responsibility doesn't apply to them.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I have started a mailing list for those interested in swapping gift subs to progressive magazines, just talking about them, too. The goal of this is to kind of pool our money and get progressive magazines out there with a greater readership. I'm too much of a lazy bugger to write, but many people my age are energetic and full of passion- they need a market where they can write, and even sometimes get paid, and that's not going to happen with just a few Seventeens and Ellegirls out there.
Here's an interesting article on economics, a field that I know nothing about. Of course, in a few days, I'll have assimilated the new information and parts of it will probably show up on this blog. Apparently other people don't do this, and that's why they don't make any sense.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

stopping smoking may cause you to gain weight. Also, taking birth control pills and anti depressants can cause weight gain. The use of those medications have increased. But of course, the new thought repellent field will start up, and we'll have to hear about how fat people are just simply bad people and the whole country will explode because some people aren't up to beauty standard.

Also, I didn't understand this series, so my brain rendered it as a sci fi story, and the problems with the whites as problems that could spill out and infect all of us. I bet when I am older, I'll understand what the fuck this guy is talking about.
I haven't read the Earthsea books. Nor have I seen the series except for bits and pieces that dad is watching. But Ursula Le Guin talked about how she wasn't really involved with it. Since this is informally a race blog, I thought it would be good to link to her blog post about the Earthsea white wash.
So I got Othello the manga, and while there were some good OWNED!!!! scenes, there wasn't enough dress up for my taste. Also, I was looking at Bomb the Suburbs again, and don't know whether I like it better than No More Prisons or not. No More Prisons has more concrete solutions and information from enlightened people, but Bomb the Suburbs has more silly stories about say, the time Wimsatt thought he was hard and thought he could call someone the n word and got body slammed. I'll have to read more.

I was talking to this dude, and he was all like (about racial issues) no one wants to lose their position. On one hand, I guess he is talking sense, on the other hand, it's really hard for me to understand how someone would rather be king of the hill in a crappy country than middle of the heap in a good one.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

P6 is talking about blacks in the job force. I was thinking about stuff, and I was feeling weird, like you know, I kinda hurt for the white folks and stuff, because you know... it's like if you have a friend, and he's like acting like a total asshole in public and you just cringe and just feel terrible for him? It's like that, although I still feel kinda mad, because you know, the whole racism thing totally plugs into my worst fear- that you can't please people- that no matter what you do, everyone will be unhappy. And so the fact that in racism it's true freaks me out. You know how it is, if you have a job, you're taking the white man's job, if you have your own business, it's not good enough, and if you're unemployed, you might as well just kill yourself, and on and on and on. No matter what you do, it's wrong.

Although on one hand, you have to feel sorry for people who have a whole identity based on not having any responsibility for anything(from what I can tell- it seems that they seriously think making excuses absolves them from responsibility) On the other, it's like screw you- you decided to act dumb- you take the consequences of your own fucking actions. I'm torn between vengeance and empathy. On one hand you run the risk of being too hard, on the other hand, you run the risk of letting justice not be done.

I often err on the side of vengeance just because we have so many soft pedal, oh, I love ya white folks people out there. There's a huge difference between liking white folks as friends and like thinking any thing they do is ok. It's like if you had a black pal, and you knew he was calling the white chicks snowflake and all sorts of weird shit out of their name. You like the guy, but you gotta say "Dude, you're being a fucking idiot".

Also, Vision Circle talks about Kwanzaa. I never got white folks all being like it's a made up holiday. Like what the fuck? Like no one made up Christmas? I don't think Jesus(if he existed) was even born in December! I think the holiday is on this date to coincide with pagan solstice. But apparently if some black folks dress up and give each other handmade gifts and talk about responsibility, that's bad. I just don't get it. I don't go around to folks and saying that humans thought up fasting for Ramadan, and so no one should celebrate it. I guess the thing is that I just don't see ragging about differences that don't affect me.

Like you see me bicthing about white folk, but if they all lived on an island and didn't bother me, I'd probably not worry much. I mean, in Saudi Arabia, they have pretty fucked up rules about women, but I don't complain much about them. I think it's because I feel sort of hesitant to just barge in on someone else's culture and start shouting orders, because I'm not white. I swear, kids that have never been in a ghetto ever in their lives, will become mr junior sociologist, when it's time to shit on black folk. So I'm a bit wary of just reading a few news articles and then deciding I am the expert and that I should tell other people want to do.

Friday, December 17, 2004

I have a new theory today. My theory is that where ever someone has privilege, someone else must sacrifice for it. For example, if I get cheap clothes, most of the time is is because kids have been sewing them in sweatshops. For me to get cheap clothes, they must sacrifice, which isn't right. For white americans to assuage their fears, they must sacrifice black youth to the jail house. Sure, there may be secondary effects on the people who get the privilege, but they own the effects of what they have done. Secondary effects in this case would be waste of talent, and waste of tax payer money.

I wish that somehow we could have a world where everyone would pull their weight, without exploiting anyone. That of course would be a utopia, but that doesn't mean we can't make the world a bit better.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Jobs, not Jail Also, there is a new campaign out. Working Assets wants us to never surrender our values and our country. Don't let this country go into the dark ages without a fight. Look at this amazing PBS website. This is really well put together and informative. I wish people would show this to high school students or middle school students- get them actually thinking about issues. Like all over people are working hard to explain the issues- people just refuse to listen. The background articles are particularly useful and informative. You have a computer- use it to increase your knowledge.
Here a fun hoax for you today. (warning: the hoax link itself is nsfw- featuring both breasts and vagina, uncovered). I think it's a hoax, because come on, who has time to shave their pussy, even if they are not in a war zone? Also, would they really allow her to just walk around with heavy weapons just to show her pussy, and would they even allow a clit ring? I think not.
The porn star look is a dead giveaway for me.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

P6 works hard and drops science. It made me think of something my mom said. If you ever meet anyone that anything you do is alright with them, well, you know they aren't your friend. P6 is being a friend to the whites here, because he wants them to take responsibilty. I am too, but I am young and more grumpy. The people who got your back are the ones who know when you are wrong. People may say, but wait a minute, aren't you kinda grumpy when people slam blacks? It's because we're getting slammed for other folk's sins and that's not right.

Also, I kind of agree with this girl( well, more after she explains herself than in the initial post) I mean, I love that everyone has their unique style and all, but if I want to wear a shirt from like the gap and some jeans I wouldn't post it on a fruits community, because that's not a very exciting fashion- same as I never post any of my loli inspired fashion on EGL- it's more like "bleh" than "wow", and there's enough "bleh" in the fashion world without spreading it around on the internet.

I don't understand why the judge felt the need to wear blackface. You know, you can dress up in a jumpsuit without doing something that you know is a dumb thing to do. He acted stupid, he should pay the consequences. The thread is an interesting mix- there is a lot of whites who are pretty ignorant, but there are some other people who are trying to explain why people might not be cool with blackface. One of the most interesting arguments was the fact that black people have a reason to dislike whites, but whites don't have a reason to dislike blacks.

For example, let's take racial rumors. A white racial rumor is blacks are all criminals. Because of that racial rumor, they'll arrest more blacks(because you'll usually find what you are looking for- they sure weren't busting those pot smoking underage drinking white folk I was with yesterday) and fuck up their lives. Thus causing dislike. A black racial rumor is that white people have lice. While not true as far as I can tell, the worst thing that would happen was that someone says "no thank you" to comb sharing.

I'm trying to articulate how systematic oppression differs from individual assholeness. Like if people didn't stereotype all blacks as criminals, then no one would care, and if it was only that one guy who did it, no one would care either. It's just a big subject with a lot of nuances and things to think about, and you can't really reduce it to little cute slogans or rules that cut both ways, because both situations aren't the same.

There's a big difference between saying "Hey, you say I suck, but you're wrong, I rock"(black pride) and "I am entitled to terrorize and kill people" (white pride- what are the principle activities of white pride groups? not school breakfast for sure). There's a big difference between starting with everyone assuming you're good enough, and starting with everyone assuming you're a worthless idiot.

Man, it's such a huge subject! Like there's interlocking oppressions, the role of history, the role of responsibility(I am a bit creeped out about how whites try to disclaim any responsibility for anything- if you say you're not responsible, then any amount of bad behavior can be excused), the role of self hate, systems versus individuals. It's so much bigger than one line from MLK and saying you are colorblind.

I feel almost insulted that white people think that the issue of race is too scary to confront. Sure,it is their problem that they created, but that should make it even more interesting. I don't think the way to deal with social problems is to run away crying, it's to fight them head on. I mean seriously, racism is kinda like buying sweatshop clothing. It's wrong, you do have a choice, society supports it(how many stores do you go to that even carry non sweatshop stuff, let alone all non sweatshop?), and you shouldn't whine if called out on it. It's not the big bad boogie man out to get you, or an 'accusation'.

It's like grow up folk. And one day I'll tell you about John Waters.
I don't get it. I could see if they had a portrait of Bush doing obscene sex acts, and if that happened, that's what only letting people over 18 into a special space is for. But just a picture of Bush made out of monkeys? What the fuck? Hopefully this is just a publicity stunt about the march of fascism or something.

Monday, December 13, 2004

There is a whole rich world of mommy blogs out there. Interesting. Well, also, infertility blogs. Although I like mommy blogs due to vicarious cuteness..
What a 180 pound woman may actually look like. Here's a grainy picture of a 100 pounder. Based on proportions, height and other factors, there's huge differences in how your weight looks on you. I wish I had that picture from fark where a 135 pound woman was playing Paris Hilton. Many people simply don't know what weight looks like on different body types.

Another problem is encouraging weight loss for vanity. If we weren't so focused on weight loss, we'd all be a lot healthier. I mean, a person may eat healthy and exercise, but never actually look thin. What does it profit us that that person decides to give up because they aren't losing weight?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

My blogging activity has gone up as my anxiety level abut this final goes up. If I was any good at stats, I'd be thinking about the correlation between the two. I was looking at Bitch Has Word, so I wouldn't have to think about how fucked fucked fucked I am, and how hard the test is going to be, and how I can't calculate an anova by hand and why do I have to do that and suchlike, and then I was reading this commenter and he was all equality of opportunity, not results.

Like I've heard that phase before, but like what's the point of that? I mean, opportunity is kind of a nebulous thing that is kinda floating out there, but results you can measure. I guess the real reason is so that they don't have to be accountable, but like what's the reason SUPPOSED to be? Like do these people even think before they start parroting these kinds of catch phases. It's like when they say stuff like every crime's a hate crime, do they even know what it is?

Like what ever happened to our George Will conservatives? Maybe they didn't like babies, women or black people , and maybe they were a bit too optimistic about the free market, but at least they made some sort of logical sense that you could try to understand their argument. Like if they said we should not have hate crimes laws, and also not have several different degrees of murder at the same time, at least that would be consistent, or if they said that corporations AND poor women could BOTH sod off, at least that would make some sense!

But maybe I am thinking of libertarians, not republicans. Probably. I hate math, so all this math has confused me, and made me mix the two up. I only got in 4 good hours of studying today. I'll wake up early to do it again.
This article is about the myth of acting white. However, it'll also show an interesting effect I predict. People will not change their belief about acting white in the face of this new information. I mean, I heard some boys making fun of another boy for acting white! How can the acting white story not be true?! Well, I have some ideas. First, there is selective perception. When I was a kid, I was even more awkward than I was today. I also loved books. Thus, kids of all races were like ahhahaa, you're smart! What a dork you are! This was because they were immature jerks who were jealous of my smartness. (well, at least that's my version) But to others, the white kids were making fun of me because they were immature jerks, and the black kids, to keep me down(like the Man, but shorter). (asians of all types, arabs, and others went to high school with me , but I don't remember any of them making fun of me in elementary)

Also, this perception would ignore the times I was held in higher esteem by black kids because of my smartness. Another reason may be that what we think means you care about school doesn't. Like people think you don't care about school if you speak ebonics. However, many of my cousins speak ebonics, and many of them are in college, and have scholarships due to their As. Also, wearing expensive clothes like rap artists wear, having a stylish hairstyle, and going out clubbing do not make you do bad in school or not care about school either. Caring about school makes you care about school- you can still want to be cool, and want to study at the same time.

We may also be ignoring social factors. Do the kids get enough to eat? Do their parents have time to check their homework? How about the schools? Got enough certified teachers? That may affect their performance and attitude towards school. There are many other explanations that can be considered before just assuming that we are all up to no good. Of course having this said, the popular perception of blacks as lazy shiftless people who are so much worse than the rest of the population won't change.

My guess is for some blacks, saying that sort of thing, gets them attention and they feel better than other blacks. If I can say that I'm the only good black, maybe my low self esteem is enhanced. Also, whites and people of other races also have their self esteem enhanced. "I am so much better than blacks" they may think. Of course, you'd think they'd base their self esteem on actual achievements, but that's the way it goes.

You know, another thing may be projection. People who like to believe this sort of thing may want to keep others down so that they look better, and then project their weird thoughts on little black kids. Another reason may be that they are looking only at Tyrone, who has behavioral problems, and ignoring Porche, Ronisha and Montavious who sit in their seats and do their work. There are many hard working and successful blacks- this study, despite some sexism(why is it bad that more black women have degrees? I think the men can adjust to their smart and successful sistahs) talks about the many blacks getting degrees. Also, open a copy of Black Enterprise- blacks are working hard and succeeding in business. Also, instead of "why don't you lazy n words save your money" we get the Black Wealth Initiative. You know, that might help build capital for the next generation of blacks?

Things are better than they have ever been for us, and still all we get is doom and gloom and why can't you be more like x people or y people. It totally ignores our hard work. It's like I got all As in three subjects and a C in one subject, and all you see is that C, totally ignoring all the good stuff. I need a good celebratory zine!
I really hate when a work by a person of color is reviewed, and they are like "hohoohh, it's got none of that hard you know, person of color stuff, where we might actually have to consider, like ISSUES, you know!" I don't see why people need to be reassured that they don't have to actually think about real issues. I mean seriously, I don't read books with white people in them, and be like "Oh, no, what if he tries to make think! Anything but that!!"

I mean, grow some fucking balls. If you are going to be upset, because in a comic book, they tried to make you think, maybe it's time to [really cool euphemism for suicide] yourself.
Go, Cali! I'm glad that people are fighting for our rights. I'll buck up and work hard on break.

Here's an article about people appropiating Native American beliefs. I can't really imagine what it'd be like, but I guess it'd be kinda like if a Baptist preacher pretended to be a Catholic Priest, and for $150, you could undergo the sort of baptism a baby gets- with the sprinkling of water, for $250, you could undergo full immersion baptism, and for $500, you could go to confession. Even I'd be offended by that, and I'm not Catholic or religious. Of course that doesn't have any of the racial undertones, but I'm trying to understand it in my own clumsy way.

Panic Doll has updated! My favorites are the black cross top and this country lolita style skirt. You go girl! It's hard to do business nowadays. I am creating new buttons to avoid studying. New ideas are easy to have, but it's hard to pimp out your stuff, deal with customers(I don't do this off line because of my hair trigger temper), and suchlike.

Although doing business is good- it's better than spending all your cash on $100 hairfixes! That's the kind of looking cute that lasts only a week at best. Even if you bought $100 worth of clothes from the above site, at least it would last longer than that. Anyway, I was reading the story of the illiterate millionaire in No More Prisons, and the guy didn't spend his money on fancy cars- he spent it on making himself some more money. Now this guy has blown up! Not to mention, nowadays you can't rely on a big corporation to be dependable in employment. You think you are doing good one year, and then the next, everyone is fired.

That's why I'm going into mental health- somebody's always gonna be crazy! Anyway, joking aside, it's best to try to put money in from different sources rather than having your eggs all in one basket.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I found a good Holiday present. This organization wants people to give their money to it, so that poor families that have one expense that might totally make them bust can have it donated to them. For example, let's say Bob fell down and broke his leg, and needs medical care. This could be a disaster for his family, with the choice between rent and hospital bills. But luckily, some nice people pay his bill, and Bob's family doesn't have to live on the street. You may be like, where does this whole present thing come in? Well, they'll send a person a letter saying you donated in their name, so it could be a late Holiday present. Well, anyway, you should give these people money- they are awesome.

Also, some people are giving their stuff away for free, but I am too stupid to understand what's up with that? Anyway, this could facilitate some serious awesomeness. We usually give away our old stuff to the Vietnam vets people.

If you think up a good organization, create it. Merry Holidays!
Goal for the new year should be to be more of a citizen of the world, and more out into creative things. Also, I think this exhibit is cool. I like the statement, but my favorite part is the images, I really wish I could go, but it's in New York.

This comic also made me think of how my body language is probably a bit masculine- especially the way I walk and sit. I'm the type who is very shy, but doesn't have cute body language at all.

Just, WTF. What. The. Fuck.
What's wrong with the people who dispense this sort of shitty fashion advice? Hide your bottom half?! That's the good part of a pear, and should be played up! I don't see what the point in trying to look like a boy is. This isn't the drag king show! Women have hips and should show them off, not hide them. Our beauty standards are crazy. Be more 'feminine' by shaving all your body hair off! Look like a boy by starving yourself and wearing ugly clothes.

When clothes draw attention to my top half, it's kinda like "hi, I have no breasts". Pears really don't have much to showcase up there, and nice plush hips, thighs and ass are great on a woman. Of course, they are female secondary sex traits, so that's probably why they are so interesting to me.

Friday, December 10, 2004

More fark fun:


However, speaking as a white female, I have also found it true that when some (not all) white guys whine about women or non-whites getting "their" promotions, what they really mean is that their sex and skin color no longer allow them to get away with all sorts of incompetence at work

That is some food for thought. Also, here's a strange article about fashion trends in Japan. Here is a goth loli thread on fruits. I put all the links to American gothic lolita stores that I could find. I'm trying to learn to layer nowadays so that I can be prepared for colder climates. But the lack of light would be a problem too, wouldn't it?
I have studying fright. So I'll write about stuff. So yesterday I was talking to this dude, and he said something interesting. Like whites don't see themselves as having a culture. (Basically, I was kinda like "I don't understand white culture, but please don't be racist jerks, and if you are don't whine." for the whole convo) But it seems like they do. I mean, it's not like they all magically wake up, and say "you know what I'm going to do? act in a certain way for no reason at all". So here are some parts of what I see as white culture that are bad. Of course, everyone has parts of different things that are associated with different races in them. So basically these are annoying things that people do, but that are associated with whites in my mind, as I am currently in white culture immersion. ^_^;;;

1)I'm not responsible for anything.

2)I can't do anything to change anything.

3) I have to mean to do something bad to do something bad.

4) I can be as horrible as I want to others, but if someone is upset, it is their fault.

5)It is the duty of those who have been hurt by my actions to correct me.

6)I'll just not learn anything, and then I can pretend everything was fine.

7)Everything is centered around me. Others do not matter.

8) I am more important than the group.

9)If something bad happens, you're a bad person.

10)Racism is somehow what a person is, not what he/she does.

(I personally think that you can do racist stuff, but it not be like your idenity. Like I walk to the store, but I'm not a store walker)

11)If someone says something you are doing is wrong, that makes you a horrible person and means they don't like you.

Anyway, if you see yourself embodying any of these, work hard to improve. I'm a very selfish person, for example. And am a bit of a pussy- I'm scared of looking at my stats book. I am very sensitive, and worry that criticism means that people don't like me. But anyway, even if you have flaws, you should work hard. I'm working hard to put together a coherent theory of 'why people are racist pricks'. Also, I'll try not to be so anxious, but it's really hard, because I can't get inside people's heads and see what they would consider annoying. Like for example, if white people are telling stories and feel the need to say the n word, they should just say the n word, so we know what they mean. But other black people may not care.

Like I was talking to the same guy I mention above, and I was like I can say cunt, but there's one word I can't say and he's like (the actual version of the n word) and I'm like don't say that! and he's like, but I needed to know what word it was. Anyway, that was weird. Anyway, I'll try to have self confidence that isn't drawn externally, and not be such a pussy who is scared of math problems. I guess next I'd have to stop using sexist language, as pussy is my favorite word on this blog.

Because I am still using the word, I can't exactly say sorry, can I, because I mean, if I was really sorry, I'd not say it. Although verbally I have a bit of a tic where I say sorry a lot, because my anxiety is that intense. I'm a rambling woman! So before you flounce off, do read this essay by a Morrocan who is having culture shock over our restrictive standards of beauty. I'll complain about that later.
I just don't get why people choose the anime titles that have violence and sex in them, and then say "all anime is violent/sex ridden". I mean seriously- it's like this. Guy walks into say Best Buy or something. They got Princess Nine, they got Kare Kano(His and Her Circumstances, which I am watching now- good music), they got Fancy Lala, they got Kiki's, they got Azumanga, and guess what they go straight for? Ninja Blood Revival or Yea Right I'm in 'Junior College' Fuck Fest!

It's like me complaining that all movies are musicals because the only ones I watch are like Singing in the Rain and Chicago! I personally like cute and fluffy anime, because it's cute, and you know, fluffy. I also like melodramatic anime too. My emotions are still as intense as a teen's, so their anime works for me. Of course, in America, I like Soul Food, and by our standards, that's not for teens. (like omg- do they have to show the entire sex scene? imply something for once!)

But seriously, people are pretty crazy,eh?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

This is a pretty good post about how white on black violence is always an 'isolated incident'. I mean seriously, not only would four black boys who jacked a white guy get at least juvi, everyone would talk about our pathological culture,etc,etc. I was talking to this guy on the net. And he was all like I'm renouncing whiteness. And I was like cool- because seriously, to renounce whiteness means not only do you say no to the unfair privileges you get because you are white, it means that you take responsibility and aren't a whiny pussy.

Like everything can't be someone else's fault anymore. Like whites tend to try to blame their racism on us. No- if you are racist, you make your own self be racist. If you do something stupid like show an Asian that you don't even know the ethnicity of a Chinese dress, and be all like I'm down with your people- that's your own fault too. If you don't know history, that's your own damn fault. And yea, if you decide to beat some kid down with your friends, that's not a spanking offense- you should go to jail just like every body else.

And you can't cry about stupid stuff anymore. None of this mentioning real problems makes me feel bad shit, or any of that man, I'm scared of minorities shit. You gotta buck up- if you feel bad about the truth, your own problem, not ours. If you're scared of minorities, well, work hard to conquer your fear.

I am reading No More prisons, and the author talks about how he decided to walk through the most dangerous ghettos in the middle of the night. I think most of the hysteria about stuff comes from not knowing, and fearing that. If you don't know, don't be a puss and rot your own country because of your hysteria and white flight. You have to face your fear. Learn about those you fear.

I'm sick and tired of people thinking they can't change anything. There's a revolution occurring every day. I mean seriously, weren't the Ukrainians out in the fucking cold for their country? And we can't even sit in the heat and read a book? I am a totally different person from who I was in high school. That in itself is a revolution. I'll keep changing til I die. Time can't stand still. So let's catch up to it!

You know, while I'm saying all this, His and Her Circumstances has really good music. But not as good as Utena. I saw some great AMVS at the anime club yesterday. Hale's Mom, and Sunshine, Lolipops and GRRRRRR were my favorites. I think Hale's Mom should win an award, just for the great synching and shot selection.

Monday, December 06, 2004

I was reading this excerpt from this book, and I was like "where does this guy live"? The stone age? It's cute to say "let him go after you", but if we did that, we'd be waiting forever to get a boyfriend! Not every girl is cute enough to just sit there and smile and get men to flock to her. Actually, most aren't! I mean seriously, not every girl has to ask out every date- but a phone call or two isn't going to kill your prospects. If he really wants you, he's not going to say "Man, she likes me too. I guess that kills that".

At mousewords, there is a more sensible review here as Amanda actually has a boyfriend and so isn't all nervous about it. Or maybe I should shut up ascribing stuff to people I don't know, just because I read their blogs. But seriously, her comments bring this stuff into better perspective.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

More comments from Fark

2004-12-06 06:39:15 PM

I think what monster87 is expressing his disillusionment to the mythos of Rosa Parks. In school we weren't taught such a blindly obvious applicable piece of information like that she was a member of the NAACP. We aren't taught an image of a politically active woman. We are taught the image of a much simpler but determined woman who out of nowhere suddenly got fed up and changed the world. The iconic story is about an any-woman, how anybody could change the world given a just cause and deterimination.Of course the fact she was politically active prior was never _hidden_, but for some reason it is commonly omitted. You can't help but think it's to help support that pop image of her. It does affect her 'icon' status, on a personal level, to be disillusioned in such a way.Especially when you consider that the NAACP in the region may have already been considering a bus boycott, her personal act, while still important, doesn't have that same air of mystery and magnitude. It seems plausible that it was orchestrated to put things into motion. That's -definitely- not the kind of Rosa Parks that has been iconified.Also, lawyers suing over the use of her name for billions? What the? That's pathetic. How are we eventually going to stand up to these lawyers? Boycott law? Hrmm.

I think the fact that she was active in the civil rights movement beforehand makes her story even stronger, because it makes it more of a guiding point for us who do want to be politically active. The idea that you just go along cow like and maybe at the right moment get fed up is a charming myth, but if you actually want political change, you're going to have to work for it. I'm not saying I'm miss political action of the year, but the whole myth that has been built up around the civil rights movement and other movements that one or two people did one thing and everything changed is a pretty destructive mind set.

It's almost as bad as the mindset that says a right once granted can never be taken away. Basically I think both of these myths make us sort of passive, sort of 'well, everything's fine" and that's not the way we need to be. I read about and see people trying to make revolution everyday.

I'm reading No More Prisons and the author is like "You know what? I'm hitchhiking cross the country, I'm walking in the country's ghettos" and that's a revolutionary act- to be able to face your fear and say to others "there is not so much to be afraid of in this world as we suppose". That is a valuable lesson, I guess. Although I still get the heebie jeebies if someone walks behind me...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

This post is about the real reasons that whites are conservative, and this post is about black self image. I know that when I was a kid, I could shake folks talking about my bookishness off, because I cheerfully believed they's all have to work at gas stations. Yes, kids are dumb. Anyway, I totally lost control today and called this girl a pussy(although I don't think they knew what I said). Because seriously, so you saw some fucking Hispanic laborers, no need to lock the car doors and get all heeby jeeby, and plus, who the fuck told you that that was an appropiate thing to say in public? White folk, keep it to yourself. We really don't wanna know.

We all have quirks. For example, if I have a problem with something- I find it therapeutic to rant, rave, cry and curse the universe. If I have to be stoic, the problem will never go away. For example, let's say I'm in a bad mood. If I curse the world, cry about the unfairness of it all, eat some ice cream, and read manga under the covers, I will recover in an hour. But if I have to put on a good front, it eats at me, and that mood may last for weeks.

So when learning about racism and forming my racial idenity, it is useful for me to curse whites, and say they should be horsewhipped, and driven into the sea, and I can't believe they are all such immoral cunts. Generally in real life, I don't mind whites, well, ok, I mind them, mostly because I mind all people. I am slightly frightened of other people. So today, this white girl decides to ask me a bunch of questions about our stats lab. I am really nervous. Also, I talked to this black girl, also about our stats class, and was also nervous. I am nervous around all people.

But the point is....well, I forgot what my point is. Of course, my coping with learning of the great unfairness of the world may shock some. I have difficulty understanding this, because it sounds like a bunch of whining to me. I mean, black folks are supposed to be repairing all the damage from years and years all by ourselves, with no help from anyone, and they have plenty of help on being decent people.

I look at all the problems, and I feel like the guy from emory's counseling center. He was basically like "I got ten cents, and some magic beans. What am I supposed to do?" He was saying that and people weren't constantly coming into the center and being like psychologists are all quacks or having a million little hassles like it taking a million years to get paper because people are like "why do YOU need paper?", "You really don't need paper anyway- I mean, what would you do with it?" you know- just trying to chip chip chip away at your little self concept.

Basically what I mean is that we got a lot of work, and a lot of it would get a lot easier if whites just took a little bit of time to try to be decent people. For example, so I am reading on the internet, and these people are working hard to act like they have some sense. They aren't acting like babies. They are trying to think their way through these issues. It's not that hard.

Monday, November 29, 2004

There are disturbing rumors that the banana is going extinct. Also, this could be us, if we don't take care to protect our right to an abortion. Also, I read the last book of Happy Mania, which is the only manga I have read that can use a facial(and by that I don't mean a beauty treatment) as a character development device. (after this, spoilers) I really loved how Shigeta was stuck at the same place that she began at the end. She is wearing a wedding dress, which apparently is the standard she is supposed to chase, what all those love affairs were supposed to be for, and she says "I want a boyfriend". The theme of the manga is how one can chase happiness, but it never gets you anywhere, because there's always something bigger and better on the horizon.

Basically, the character chase what they have been told that they want. For Shigeta it is a butterfly in your stomach, knee shaking romance, for Takako, well, it's a happy home life- but after turning to deceit to get it, she realizes that that is meaningless. The holy grail is empty and made of tin here. At least Shigeta realizes that she likes the chase.

Crazy antics aside, Happy Mania is a pretty serious manga when you think about it.
I love the country lolita style. If these dresses weren't so expensive I'd buy them. I guess I should look for american imitators. My strawberry skirt from In the StarLight does look a bit country, so I guess I am compensated. I really like prints on my lolita clothes.

Also, at Mouse Words, Amanda tries to explain all the crazy mess that has been going down what with oppressors acting like they have been victimized. I think it's all mass hysteria myself, similar to when people in bumfark that don't got anything anyone wants are convinced that wild eyed Arabs will attack their town at any second.

Also, some guy tries to talk about post racism, which seems to be a really fancy way of saying that these people are ignorant douches. I could see if they were kids, but by the time you get 25, you should have some sense in your head or at least attempt to use some logic. I don't care whether you have never seen a black person in your life, act like you got some sense.

Then again, I bought two pairs of stockings today. I totally can't get over how warm stockings and jeans together are. I bought strawberry stockings, and cherry stockings. I'm addicted to cherry patterns nowadays.
I am shocked that Tom Brokaw noticed that he had white skin privilege. Like most whites think that their lives have to be perfect and wonderful before they can say "hey, I got privilege" but it's not so much your life being all candy and ice cream, as just a little edge on certain things. Also, you get free reign to some things, like having temper tantrums over stupid stuff. Blacks aren't allowed to whine about real issues, let alone whether they can go around calling people insulting names. I wish I had that Ampersand comic where the white guy is like "There's a lot of nice, non racist reasons that I want to call black people the n word", because that one was really funny.

Also, some Koreans are talking about possible cures from umbilical cord stem cells. I seriously think we should research the whole kabang. Worrying about stem cells and abortions is just another bunch of a mess they use to control people. If the religious right cared about babies as much as they claimed- they wouldn't be for blowing kids up in Iraq, and would actually care about poor mothers.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

I need to learn how to do makeup. My new lipstick is too harsh for my complexion(and my complexion is closer to summery than usual for this time of the year!) , but it was only $1, so I am not bemoaning the lack. However, I never did learn how to do makeup. Here's pictures of two asians in flashy makeup. Also, in Soul Food, there are some really good makeup jobs. It's so hard to get good cosmetics for people of color. Bitch magazine had something in there about that.
I'm finished with the interesting parts of One Drop of Blood, as I simply don't care about his stupid family. All in all, a good book with many interesting tidbits, although too easy on modern whites at the end. Maybe because I come from a race with members who say things about it that wouldn't be out of place in a Klan rally, but dude, you should be able to turn your critical thinking on for example, the whole us poor whites are soooo victimized, we are sooo oppressed stuff, as well as you turned your critical thinking on the mass hysteria during the 1890s that caused massive lynching sprees.

The belief that dominant groups are oppressed is a sort of mass hysteria, in my opinion. They feel their identity is threatened, without knowing that those things are kinda symbolic. There's a huge difference between saying that there should be 24 hours in which men don't rape, and you know, raping a woman. One is a symbolic threat, the other is a real threat. Guess which one is considered higher priority.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

I like how in this thread there's a guy who is like "Look, you have fucked girls who are way way uglier than these." which is a true statement. Even if every guy says he'll only fuck a girl who is an 8 on a 10 scale and above, the truth is that 50% at least will be 5 or under, and the same with guys. Some guys are Denzel Washington and others are Cedric the Entertainer. Do you think every guy who looks like Cedric is going to just sit around, never getting any, or is he going to have some fun?

Also, some pictures of
This post is just to remind you to read Silver Rights, which is logging conservative fronts that lie and say they are for black folk. Of course, I wonder just why they can't have authentic organizations? Maybe it's because most of us are smart enough to know that just because they have your face plastered all over TV, that doesn't improve the lives of people. There are many many blacks who work to actually help people, but you don't see them on TV, because they are working in their communities, not making some white people look good.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Here's an article about John McWhorter. I like how it makes the point that most black folks, not just those getting rich off of bad mouthing other blacks, like hard work and thrift. Another good point is that many whites are mediocre, yet get all the good things of American life, and so, it really makes no sense at all that blacks automatically have to be better- whites are accepted at all ability levels- whether they can barely string together a sentence, or whether they are about to be awarded the Nobel Prize for really clever thinking. So that's what I want. I don't want to have to work three times as hard to get the same respect. I just want the same respect that other folks get, and those other folks don't even work for it, either.The thing is that I want actual equality, not provisional acceptance, if you do this, if you do that, etc.

The thing is that if we had real equality, and there was no racism of any kind, no one would be listening to McWhorter's antiquated ass, because there wouldn't be a push to make excuses for white behavior. Of course, the idea of searching people because of their skin color would seem crazy to people in that world, just as we think the concept of searching people because they have different eye colors or ear lobe shapes seems weird. Also, whites wouldn't have a concept of themselves as white, so they wouldn't be able to oppress people.

What I mean is that if they didn't think that their skin color entitled them to certain things, and disentitled others to certain things, there would be no desire to oppress others based on skin color. So they would merely see any racist lies as ridiculous, and not crave to believe them. It's like if someone came up to you, and said "people with blue eyes kill more people than people with brown eyes, and so people with blue eyes should be all locked up". You'd hear it, but it wouldn't stick in your mind, because you'd have no desire to believe it. You certainly wouldn't vote based on that piece of information.

Of course this is just me trying to avoid doing my statistics, but it's always good to think of utopias when you are young, so when you get older, you know that there are possibilities. Like I'm really shy, but like, if I can dream of a world without racism, I can dream of a world where I am more outgoing,eh?
Here's an article about John McWhorter. I like how it makes the point that most black folks, not just those getting rich off of bad mouthing other blacks, like hard work and thrift. Another good point is that many whites are mediocre, yet get all the good things of American life, and so, it really makes no sense at all that blacks automatically have to be better- whites are accepted at all ability levels- whether they can barely string together a sentence, or whether they are about to be awarded the Nobel Prize for really clever thinking. So that's what I want. I don't want to have to work three times as hard to get the same respect. I just want the same respect that other folks get, and those other folks don't even work for it, either.The thing is that I want actual equality, not provisional acceptance, if you do this, if you do that, etc.

The thing is that if we had real equality, and there was no racism of any kind, no one would be listening to McWhorter's antiquated ass, because there wouldn't be a push to make excuses for white behavior. Of course, the idea of searching people because of their skin color would seem crazy to people in that world, just as we think the concept of searching people because they have different eye colors or ear lobe shapes seems weird. Also, whites wouldn't have a concept of themselves as white, so they wouldn't be able to oppress people.

What I mean is that if they didn't think that their skin color entitled them to certain things, and disentitled others to certain things, there would be no desire to oppress others based on skin color. So they would merely see any racist lies as ridiculous, and not crave to believe them. It's like if someone came up to you, and said "people with blue eyes kill more people than people with brown eyes, and so people with blue eyes should be all locked up". You'd hear it, but it wouldn't stick in your mind, because you'd have no desire to believe it. You certainly wouldn't vote based on that piece of information.

Of course this is just me trying to avoid doing my statistics, but it's always good to think of utopias when you are young, so when you get older, you know that there are possibilities. Like I'm really shy, but like, if I can dream of a world without racism, I can dream of a world where I am more outgoing,eh?
I was reading One Drop of Blood, and I was reading the part where he discusses the desire of prominent whites in the early 1800s to send free blacks to Africa, as they felt that blacks wouldn't be happy because of white prejudice, and I was amused, because just like people today, they didn't think of the obvious solution- get rid of white prejudice. I mean seriously, that's got to be less expensive and time consuming than sending people over the sea.

Also, I haven't read the entire book yet(I'm on page 195), but I think reverse discrimination might not get a hearing, as there are important concepts to cover. (see amazon for why I am mentioning this) Dominant groups are wimps these days. I mean, people died for the rights they are whining so hard for being taken away. They lost the war, and they'll just have to adjust. The slaves were freed, women can vote, Native Americans are full citizens, blacks won basic rights, martial rape is illegal, and so is date rape, and women are allowed to work outside the home, even if the pay is not exactly equal.

They do not have a claim at all to subjugating other groups. The other groups had the claim of justice, and shared humanity on their side. I think that's why they are so whiny- they don't have a leg to stand on. There is no reason at all, that others should be weaker. They only desire it so because they can't improve their own groups. The ones who are improving their groups aren't crying.

I mean, don't you see the many Christians who instead of crying about how they can't make everyone pray in school, are helping the homeless this Christmas season, and more importantly, all year round? Don't you see the many men who instead of crying because they think they are owed women's bodies, fight for reproductive rights, because they live in the same world women have to live in, and if women are in bondage, they can not be free? Don't you see the whites who instead of worrying about the competence of one black person while ignoring the massive incompetence of many whites, actually know what the word racism means and how to fight it? Of course, the majority of those groups are crying, and I hate to see people co opt the work of the decent people.

If you want to join the greater humanity, great, work hard, and show your stuff. But if you want to cry because you don't get what you thought you were entitled to, fuck off. Now, you are not entitled to more than the rest of us. Man, that made me think of the old song "Like a Rolling Stone".

Like in it, Bob Dylan(who is who I remember singing it) has a really triumphant sound to his voice. This person used to be on the top, but is on the bottom because of pure hubris. Of course, that's not like the actual situation. The groups are still on top, but you think you had consigned them to camps, by the way they are wailing and gnashing their teeth. Oh noes, they say, I might have to act like a decent person- all is lost, all is lost. And the sad part is that many of them try to say they are superior to other groups.

Oh, we are like this and that because we are so much better. Well, if you're so much better, then you should be able to beat us without a head start and with one hand tied behind your back. I guess they aren't so sure then. That's why I say they are wimps, wimps,wimps. They have a head start, and got ten thousand other advantages, but they are still scared of equality. I mean true equality, not this pussy ass let's make a bunch of excuses shit. If you're scared, fine, wimp, but don't take the country down because of it.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Here's a RED ALERT on the latest conservative lie. Note that they can't win any points without lying. And then they try to act like they are moral. Hypocrites.

Also, I don't get the idea that we should act like all whites are not racist just because a few are. I mean, sometimes I hear black people annoying everyone by saying that gays are taking over, or that gays are against god, but I'm not saying that just because there are black people who are gay rights activists or advocates, those people automatically aren't homophobic jerks. I mean, the whites that aren't racist did the work, and acted like they had some sense. Why should whites that are lazy and refuse to act decent get the same consideration just because they have the same skin color? They just want a free ride on the decent people's backs. And then they complain about preventing childhood malnutrition. HYPOCRITES.

Also, here is an interesting idea that I have thought before, but is articulated well. Basically, it's weird to compare all the blacks in the US to the top people from Asia who have immigrated. The US would be more likely to take someone who was a doctor in their own country, or is a college graduate in their own country and will work on an HB-1 visa, than someone who is a peasant who works in the fields. So there's a selection effect working there, whereas they aren't just sampling the top blacks to do our stats. It is doubled as many of the people who were smuggled aren't on the radar, but most blacks are. (of course, I am meaning native born, not foreign.) Of course things like that don't matter to people who want to rush to calling blacks stupid and lazy, but for the more sensible people, it should work.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Separated at Birth?

Angelic Pretty In The Starlight.


White Racism Black "Racism"

Double Anime Trouble!

Glasses Girls "Upfront" Girls.
More farker quotes and a comment reply:

2004-11-24 01:37:44 AM

To white people who complain that they can't use the n word to other blacks, why would you use it in the first place? You've had your 400+ years to say it, and karma is coming back to kick you square in the nuts. /isn't white,nor black, but carmel

I agree, and am sick and tired of white folks acting like that's a real issue. Just be nice people like you're supposed to be, and if you can't, tough titty.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I have a theory of conservaweenism. Basically, before blacks, women, Hispanics, Asians, etc were allowed more access to success, really mediocre whites could get by. For example,when smart and educated blacks were stuck being like a teacher in a segregated school, or maybe they'd own a insurance company for blacks, the stupid whites could advance more because there simply wasn't as much competition. But now the field is open, and they have more competition(and now they are competing with the world, too). So instead of A)looking at what they can do to improve. B)seeing the ways that rich fat cats are fucking them, they use minorities and women as scapegoats.

If only women were forced to be barefoot and pregnant, they wouldn't be able to compete with me for spots in college.... If only workplaces were de facto whites only... so they spend all their time fantasizing about times past rather than trying to blaze a great future for everyone.
Sad. But let all of us smart and decent people work hard on having a better future.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Steve Gillard gives us a story on a bunch of idiotic weaklings that instead of spending their time in a worthwhile or fun way, wasted their time terrorizing an interracial couple with a burning cross. Sure puts the whiners who say any attempt at justice is racism in perspective. Oh yea, and there is one of those gutless wonders in the comments. He's too much of a wuss to even sign his name.

Also, speaking of wusses, some pussies vandalized a girl in my Emoryread (we tutor kids) carpool's house some time ago. She lives in Connecticut. Anyway, apparently these losers wanted to fuck up an expensive ass house and get sued just because some people are Jewish. Why don't they get lives?

On a more upbeat note, here is a woman wearing clothes that probably cost more than your last house payment. I really want her socks, but they probably cost like thirty bucks or something, and that's not even with shipping from Japan.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

John Kerry wants adorable moppets to have health care. Awwwwww.... I love that godless commie! Not wanting kids to die of preventable diseases! What crazy thing will that John Kerry think of next?

Here is a moving Salon article that I missed, but is really great- on women who let other women into their homes so they can get abortions, and move on with their lives. We rarely see anything beside the abstract. Too bad our right wing neighbors don't read the stories- they won't hear about this 11 year old who couldn't have a baby at her age, or the immigrant woman who speaks little English, but still wanted her life back. An interesting thing is that the series is called "heroes of freedom". This is what I mean by heroism, not killing children or badmouthing people.
I haven't been book blogging much lately, although my reading has remained steady. Anyway, I got Hollywood's High Noon by Thomas Cripps for like $4, and it was good, although he sometimes argued against arguments I had never heard of, but then again, I'm not a film studies major or anything.

I also read Andrea Dworkin's Heartbreak. Man, she has the sort of prose style I really favor. She really loves going off on beautiful idylls in that lovely clear prose, and then bringing it back to some horrible horrible thing. Although from this book, I have compiled the following list of what Andrea Dworkin hates: Allen Ginsberg(she thinks he was a total pedo), teachers sleeping with their students, especially if they knock them up, and have to pay for illegal abortions, child abuse, prostitution(she alludes to doing some herself, but does not go into detail), porn, and people who insist women are always lying whores.

My theory of Andrea Dworkin and porn is that she just hates the actual reality of porn. I'm all for porn, but only really this idealized version where no one is exploited, etc. I guess it's pretty unrealistic, now, and was more unrealistic then, but I hear we have more woman positive porn people nowadays, so it can be done. I'm not saying that the mainstream porn is now all well and good just because a few people went behind the camera and made better porn, but at least there's a vision of a possible future here.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

People are saying some good things in this feminist rage thread. I have real difficulty with understanding that the white males actually feel oppressed, because it is so calculated seeming. Like they were studying the Third Reich(sorry, but Gobbels and the Big Lie is what I can think of right now, I'm really sleepy) and decided "Yea, we need some of this. We don't need to stoop to small lies, what we need is a lie so far outside of the bounds of objective reality that people will just believe it without questioning".

I mean, real oppression is all around, and they are spending their time obsessing over hypothetical blacks getting jobs? If whites were really that impacted, we wouldn't hear about how their brother's room mate's girlfriend's brother didn't get into Harvard, and like there was a black person on campus, so OBVIOUSLY they are a total idiot and couldn't have possibly say...studied, and of course, there aren't any stupid white people on campus- just being white apparently makes you smart,qualified for all jobs, and as a benefit, you have x ray vision, and if you're a man, your penis is prehensile.

Then again, I don't think your race actually has anything to do with your intelligence or qualifications, and I do tend to make the mistake of automatically assuming that people aren't racist. But seriously, it's like this with Christianity too. Like they act like they are oppressed, because they might have to pray quietly in school instead of having the teacher lead it, or like maybe they'll teach science in science class. But people, people, people, when the presidential candidates are fighting in the debate to see who can pander more to Christians, and millions of young people are risking getting STDS, because real sex ed might offend people of your religion-that's not oppression.

It's like they say in the thread- when you're used to being pampered, not getting exactly what you want NOW seems like the worst thing in the world. So like I'm used to blacks getting bad mouthed from everybody, so like some mild forms of criticism don't phase me, so it's bizarre to me to suggest that maybe whites may have a bit of a problem with racism, and have people act like I suggested killing all the whites in the entire world. Or like maybe a woman will suggest that maybe women should have rights, and she is called man hating. A man could rape ten women, kill twenty girl children, all while saying "die you filthy whores" and not be called woman hating.

I just don't get it, so to me, it looks like they are a big fat bunch of pussies. And I don't like wussies.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Farker Quote:

2004-11-19 01:39:48 PM

Beatle-MattIf African-Americans enslaved caucasians, sold them like property, passed laws that said they counted as 5/8s of a person, murdered their civil-rights leaders, and after hundreds of years THEN made a movie called "White Chicks" roughly 40 years after passing rudimentary civil-rights laws, well, yeah, that would be wrong.

A note: A person can be an 'uncle tom' two ways. A)They can support racist policies/people in return for their own advancement. B)They can wittingly or unwittingly be used as cosigners for white racist thought. People may be confused by the criticism of blacks who do things that hurt the black community. The thing is that the black community is not just a random word- many blacks do feel that they have a community- that we aren't just individuals without any connection to each other.

I simply can't explain the disconnect between the two philosophies- between the idea that no one has any responsibility or connection to others, and that we do have responsibility to each other. However, the second feeling is why people get called uncle toms- people feel that they have failed in their responsibility to others. If you don't have a concept of responsibility to other people, I lack the ability to explain it. Hopefully someone who is better with words knows how.
I'm recovered, and ready for action! I would urge you to find out what pharmacies in your area have good policies on letting pharmacists refuse medicine to people, and if you find one with a bad policy, write them a letter! I'm affluent so can easily just drive to another one, but a poor woman on her lunch break may get fired if she has to drive around looking for someone to fill her prescription for birth control. I think access to medication that our physicians have prescribed for us should be a right, not something to be taken away at a whim. Make pharmacists do their jobs!

Also, on a more fun note, people on the EGL community are showing everyone just how bad it can get. This post showcases EGL don't's, this post talks about sad EGL mimes, gawky EGL, a dress from hell, with a much improved look included to give hope, horrid horrid caplets, immortal square dance Loli, bad lolita? YES!, and the start of this bad lolita trend.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The I'm Sorry website is great. Basically, the 49% are apologizing to the rest of the world,and saying they are going to fight harder. Also, some of the world is responding back saying "Yes, we see you, keep fighting". I feel better now. Like we really can't ever stop fighting for justice. Someone who was way cleverer than me said the price of freedom was eternal vigilance. So we must all fight hard for America to live up to the ideals we set.

People are fighting. Please fight with us. One way you can fight is to send a letter against the Refusal Clause. We simply can't let health care be degraded, just so some rich people off in Washington can get a few more votes. Here's another random cheer: "Power to the people, because the power of the people don't stop". So like there, go out and fight.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

More Farker Quotes:

2004-11-16 11:28:17 PM

You know, we really make jokes about the sharp knees thing and all that, but Net-porn really has in all seriousness messed up a lot of guys...some of you have so totally lost perspective. It isn't like that in the real world guys. llarken is very attractive and she's can't take your computer out to the movies, or dinner, or flirt with. You can't take it to meet your parents, or play monopoly with, or say 'wow, you look great today'. And this might sound like heresy to some of the more sheltered guys out there, but you certainly can't have sex with your computer.So please, go get some air. Then, go to Starbucks or a club or something, and try to mingle with real women for a while. You'd be surprised how your 'standards' will change.

(Hear! Hear! You got that boys?)

Monday, November 15, 2004

Condi's great, and all, but I'd like to address an issue. Just hiring a black person doesn't make you not racist. Not being racist makes you not racist. I'm not a black conservative, so I'm not so easily swayed by such displays. It's easy to put some black people in- but will your policy be good? That's what I wanna know.

And I'm glad someone decided to hate on folks who are all like "we're soooo loli core!" Just because girls in Japan wear it doesn't make it much different from American fashion. People wear the style because they like how it looks, and their friends wear it, not because they were chosen by Mana himself to be avatars of cute. Even if every kid in America wore Loli style, I'd still like it. It'd certainly be a better style for a twelve year old than the prostitot look. I am all about sexuality, but some of those kids need to cover up. Then again, this is the same girl who got lectures for wearing short shorts to the fair. But at least my mom apologized, after seeing all them rolls that full grown women were displaying. So I guess I can't even pretend I didn't wear some slutty clothes, although the fact is that I was slightly more modest than other girls.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

S.E.X. Bitch is an awesome name for a clothing line. Also, I would not use a glass dildo. I note that they have no dildos for beginners... These shoes are adorable, but I would never buy $50 shoes, even if they originally were $200. Also, the Soul Food website. The Teri wallpaper is my wallpaper now.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

A Fruitsy flamewar.

I simply don't see the big deal. I mean, seriously, this is a Livejournal group based off of people looking at magazines of Japanese street fashion, and deciding they wanted that style. So Gwen Stefani did the same thing? Who cares- I could see if they had slaved ten years making original garments by hand, but picking up cute accessories off ebay does not qualify you to say what people should wear.

People complain that the fashion won't be fun if everyone else is doing it. BS! What makes your style unique is you. Express yourself in your own way that is good for your body. Put your own spin on the fashion- a good style has never been about just slavishly copying someone else- it's about putting your own spirit into your clothing- about transforming yourself through your appearance. Even people in uniforms find a way to put a unique spin on their clothes- and just because some pop star bounces in and sings a song about clothes, all the sudden your fashion isn't fun?

You must not really love fashion if you can't find a good way to break the mold just because some blonde lady jumps around on TV, get a fucking grip! ...Then again, I'm a bit harsh. Many people are teens on that group, so they will be a bit less confident than older people. However, come on. Fashion is fun if you make it fun. Put some energy into your fashion!
Yay! More Studio Ghilbi stuff coming out in 2005~! We're all winners.

Friday, November 12, 2004

An outraged classmate of mine read this article out loud, and I nearly passed out in shock.(Not because she was shocked about our school looking snobby, but not real issues, of course) I didn't even know that Seven was a brand name until I read the article for my self. However $150 for jeans?! I've been beating my self up for spending a lot of money on clothes, but I've been getting handmade clothes that are unique for less than $50 or designer brand clothes(like Tripp, etc) for less than $30. It takes me about 2 or 3 outfits to get up to $150, sometimes even 4. I can see paying a bit more for clothes that are handmade and unique, but just getting regular old jeans? Maybe it's because of my anti pants bias, but how can a pair of jeans be worth $150? Are they made of gold or something?

I like expensive fashion and all- I love this shop. However, note the dresses that are cheaper than the jeans the girls are buying, and they are all custom made clothing. I don't see how you can get custom made clothes from a designer(apparently) less expensively than regular old jeans! It just blows my mind. I love clothes and since high school I have been spending like $200 a year on clothing,and I thought I was doing good- I love clothes. Of course, I've always been a bit of a clearence shopper, and my clothing buying binge has mostly been ebay, which I love. I got this dress which was on clearence for $11, for $9, $14 w/ shipping. Since it was an online clearence I would have paid more with Hot Topic's high shipping. This dress is brand name item with good styling. You don't have to pay an arm and a leg for clothes, people! Give me a break.
I really have no sympathy for conservatives. I'm sorry, but areas of study studying humanity are going to be more liberal, because it is popular to try to have new ideas. We've already heard "Whites are superior" "Women don't deserve to be studied" ,etc. That's old news. The new hotness is to study all of society. So the orientation is anti conservative- conservatives make up some idealized society, and pretend society really is like that, and get mad when reality intrudes. Liberals look at the real society, and then make up an idealized society that they want to make it into, and since the liberal approach involves looking at the actual society first, you'll see researchers of the actual society being more liberal. Maybe conservatives should look at the actual society first, and then have their idealized conservative vision of it?

An interesting weirdness here is the assumption that university professors don't have real world experience, usually parroted by conservatives- who think that telling teens not to have sex will prevent teen sex, and that shooting people's brothers and sisters doesn't make them filled with anger and desire for revenge.

My personal experience is that some of my professors will mention god, or something, but not in a conservative way. Basically, they personally believe in their particular god, but you won't see them lobbying the school to not teach evolution or to ban the worship of people who have other gods. My favorite professor from a political viewpoint was my sociology professor. He was probably liberal, but sometimes he'd pretend to be conservative so that we'd see both sides.

Of course in my college, we also got real sex ed in health class, so what do I know? An interesting point I see is some people's math bias here. Like apparently if you do something with numbers, it's automatically more important and better than if you do it with words. Of course, an intelligent person would note that psychology majors don't have to take a statistics class for nothing, and that many social science disciplines back up their theories with hard numbers, but in slagging off anyone who wants to actually learn something about the world instead of just parroting a bunch of BS you don't even know is true, that gets lost. I wonder why.

However, I always wonder why conservatives even bother whining about this sort of thing. I'm black so when I talk about real problems, I get pull yourself up by the bootstraps. However, a bunch of fat cats that get respect even though they can't think worth a lick expect all sorts of special privileges. Hey, guys, why don't you just teach at the Bob Jones Universities of the world and leave the decent places up to us? I mean, separate but equal is better than the separate but unequal you want for us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Do your god damned job, pharmacists. I just don't get it. They don't want to have to pay for 'welfare queens' but do their darnedest to fuck up everyone's reproductive health. From abstinence only education as if Susie the cheerleader is going to not just decide "Oh, well, I'm in love! We'll get married anyway"I'm one of the lucky ones. My mom didn't fuck with that dumb ass abstinence only crap. She knew that you're fooling yourself if you think that your kids are just going to not experiment with certain things- especially sex. So I always insist on condoms when I'm skating the line of ambiguity between virginity and non virginity.

Anyway, now this stupid clamping down on birth control, and they don't want anyone to get an abortion either. But they don't like single moms either. So it's like a triple bind there. They just don't want you to do anything! Like in a perfect world they could say all that, but it's not a perfect world. People are going to fuck, condoms are going to break, birth control will go awry... Shit happens! But we are human beings, and can fix shit.

I may have stayed up til 2 am goofing off, but I can finish my stats homework today. I don't have to be forced to not complete my homework and lab because I did something stupid yesterday, especially not if you're going to fail me and call me names like "idiot" or "stupid n word", you know? So why ruin women's lives forever just to get your jollies?
I feel really guilty for missing tutoring today. So I was thinking about that when I ran across this post on why kids can't read. I don't remember any of this whole word stuff. I remember being really bored that they were teaching phonics because my mom had already used phonics to teach me to read before kindergarten. Anyway, the kids I tutor both have sight word problems, as I call them, not reading the whole word before concluding what word it is. However, they are both smart kids, just need a bit of a push along.

I'd like to put a disclaimer up to say that I do not agree with all contents of the above link. Like I think it's important to try to understand other cultures, and no, I don't think the fact that the kid I was tutoring read a book about a Puerto Rican kid and his grandma will ruin his education. For all our talk on personal responsibility, I don't think that we should blame everything on someone else like it is popular nowadays. We can never defeat terrorism unless we find out our own contribution to it, instead of crying like babies when someone points out that America is not perfect.

Anyway, I'm watching Soul Food the series and it is pretty good- I love a good soap opera. I wonder when there will be more boxes out since apparently it is a five season show, not one season like Freaks and Geeks or My So Called Life which are my only other TV shows. Well, American ones, I have several anime TV series.