Wednesday, March 21, 2007

World have your say is live in Harlem, and there's a whole lot of shouting going on. You know what drives me nuts? White people get credit for 'raising awareness' and for being feminist for being born, but us black people? We can organize all the day long, we can mentor, we can counsel people in life skills, we can donate to all the organizations ever, we can march in the streets, we can write letters to Congress, and for some reason, we're not doing anything!!`

But on the lighter side, BDSM'ers argue about whether the woman needs to screw the pooch or just screw the moron. Can entitlemoos expect good service from MiccyDs? Also, call dr el jay! White man has console game playing project rules. Also, some believe we have 20 pounds of shit in our colons. Woman dumps horsefucker. Shannon's rad fem heart leaps in joy.

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