Monday, October 06, 2003

Some people may complain about the National Endowment for the Arts, although we spend a much lesser percent of our national budget on it than we use killing little boys and girls or ensuring perks for the rich. However, it has produced some worthwhile work. For example, last night, I saw a film about the black theater during the 1960s. Instead of having this part of history lost, or only rediscovered when the people who had been doing it were all dead, they created a film about the history of this, and how it came to be.

Sure, it's not going to make you money, but some things are a bit more important than money. The sense of vision they all shared, the sense of creating a new thing, the realization that it takes more than anger to make a revolution, I really got that from there. Of course, if you were only sitting around hoping for an easy grade, you wouldn't get anything out of it.

It's pretty sad that most young folk don't recognize the fact that you got to get everything out of every opportunity you have. I don't mean run over people or anything, I mean that if you got smart people around you, pick their brains. If you have an opportunity to get some knowledge, get it. The tough economy is not a reason to forget this, we should do this more than ever now.

I mean, how are you going to come to college and get out with a head full of nothing? You just wasted your time if you do that. You might as well have worked at a gas station if you just wanted to party down and fuck. You say you care about money, so why you waste thousands of it, not going to class, not doing your work, not doing anything? Man, shitheads. Heads full of nothing.

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