Friday, April 11, 2003

Today has been a great day for links. We Love The Iraqi Information Minister is full of hilarious quotes from our favorite reality challenged Iraqi.

Also, I find the idea that there is some sort of ideal vagina pretty strange. Also, the weirdest part about this site is that someone has some sort of vested interest in making people feel bad about their vaginas. A quote- "Men are not interested in female genitalia which present deformities, although most men will have intercourse with a woman who presents some degree of labial deformations. They will not seek a long term relation ship with her because of her abnormal vagina."

I can just imagine the conversation:

Man: Our's great...

Woman: Yea?

Man: This really has been the best six months of my life, but..

Woman: But?

Man: It's your labia, they're asymmetrical.

Woman: And...?

Man: Under all that hair...oh, it's so coarse, god, your just isn't pink..

Woman: I'm black, fool.

Man: Ooh, I just can't go on!

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